
Has the Ghanaian lost his sense of reasoning .....

Tue, 19 Oct 2010 Source: Donkor, Samuel

Has the Ghanaian lost his sense of reasoning, discernment and spirituality?

- a legacy of long

period of military revolutions

by Samuel Donkor

Once upon a time, Ghana, a nation noted for her moral values, disciplined

society, spirituality, hospitality and other moral qualities; a people of

intelligence, hard working,communual spirited and noted to have the best civil

service, high educational standards, best health service delivery system,

disciplined armed forces and police service and a better infrastructure in black

Africa, during the first republic, is today a demoralised and fragmented nation.

The people have become dispirited, unGodly, devalued in morals and spirituality,

which has led the nation into economic and social ruins and stands at the mercy

of today's global economic dictates, without any hope of salvaging it. In

addition, their commitment to nationalism, patrioticism and civil

responsibilities have reduced to zero.

The loss of these qualities and values of the people and the present economic

mess coupled with underdevelopment, is the legacy of the so called military

revolution and redemption regimes, which have ruled the country since the

overthrow of the first republic in 1966, under the pretex of redemption, probity

and accountability.

The long term dictatorial rule by the military, with brute force and draconian

decrees, has destroyed entirely, the moral fiber of Ghanaians, resulting in

many negative social and moral attitudes and behaviors confronting the nation

today, and even making truth an evil act. Under such conditions and other

circumstances coupled with drastic poverty, the people seem to have lost their

sense of reasoning, discernment and spirituality.

Under these regimes,brute force, lies and divide and rule tactics were used as

a means to win the support of the masses and compliance to their draconian


Successful businessmen were deprived of their businesses and wealth; critics,

jounalists and writers, who who spoke against wrongful actions and policies,

were apprehended, eliminated or intimidated, just to scare the people. Witch-

hunting became the policy of the regimes against opposition. Under these

circumstances, together with rampart abuse of human rights, the people of Ghana

cultivated a culture of silence over wrongs in society and giving way to abuse

of power by a few priveldged people to this day.

These and many other actions and policies by the regimes, with mismanaged

economy, created a negative impact on the moral of the people. The economic mess

together with maladministration and massive corruption brought stark poverty

upon the people of Ghana.. Due to prevailing economic hardships, stark poverty,

the Ghanaian today has lost his sense of reasoning and discernment. As a result,

he has become corrupt, passive, unpatriotic,self-centered,and has lost the sense

of brotherhood and other values,and also without commitment to nation building,

up to date, values they were once envied of in the West Africa sub-region.

In actual fact, under such condition of economic hardships and stark poverty,

people become dull in thinking and lose their intelligence, they forgo their

moral values, sell their birth rights, just to earn a living. They tend to

accept evil as good just to survive and also become hypocrites, involved in many

social vices. The youth especially, become vuneralble to all sort of crimes as

the nation is experiencing today.

Under such conditions, the people also waste most of their time thinking of how

to earn a living or make ends meet,due to the high rate of unemployment. All

their thoughts are geared towards gettingf a decent meal of the day for the

family and not towards any innovative or creative course. Students also tend to

become dull and clumsy in learning and perform poorly due to lack of good

meals,learning materials and qualified teachers. These are some of the causes of

the low standard of quality education in the country.

On the average, the Ghanaian today is living in stark poverty and therefore

cannot be expected to be innovative, creative, increase productivity or excell

in studies. He performs his activities under desperation and pressure.

Untill the leaders at the realm of affairs live examplary lives, take measures

to change the course of dirction to salvage the situation, the nation, Ghana,

will sink to disgrace and chaos.

Today, the nation Ghana is staggering and falling; their words and deeds are

against the Lord, defying his glorious presence. The look on their faces testify

against them; they parade their sins like Sodom; they do not hide it.

Woe to them; they have brought disaster upon themselves. The judgement of the

Lord will be entered against the elders and leaders of his people, who have

ruined his vineyard and plundered from the poor in their houses. The Lord is

asking them, what they mean by crushing his people and grinding the faces of the


The women today in Ghana, have become hauty, walking along with outstretched

necks, flirting with their eyes, tripping along with mincing steps, with

ornaments jingling on their ankles as if in the time of Sodom, just to make a


The Lord will bring sores on the heads of the women and will make their scalps

bald, according to Isaiah 3:8-16

Now is the hour for Ghanaians to examine themselves, recognise their course of

direction and return to their values and their God by living according to his

purpose. It is time, and for that matter, Ghanaians start living in

righteousness , in the truth and in the spirit to manifest their love, properly

for God, instead of being hypocrites, flopping the churches and mosques, while

in their hearts it is full of evil.

I write you the truth: 'Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, For whatever a

man soweth, that shall he also reap.' Galatians 6: 7

'Be Vege, Go Green 2Save the Planet'


Samuel Donkor Mob: 233 242 809352

email: .

Columnist: Donkor, Samuel