
Health Insurance Is The Saviour of the Nation

Sun, 15 Oct 2006 Source: Arthur John

In spite of government’s efforts to provide solace for Ghanaians by the provision of the National Health Insurance Scheme, a section of the population are still not volunteering themselves for the salvation that has befallen us i.e. the rich and poor.

In as much as possible the government after careful consideration of the Cash and Carry system of operation, came out with the appropriate solution by introducing this scheme in order to safeguard the worsened plight of most Ghanaians.

As a matter of urgency, I sincerely believe and hope that this meager sum of money which is supposed to be contributed in order to make this scheme a successful one will be made available by all and sundry to keep the health status in our country in its normal shape.

Moreover if this mutual health insurance scheme will be ultimately successful, it will depend on a number of factors of which I sincerely believe can revive and assist in thriving this initiative.

To start with I will like to advise our health professionals especially our doctors as well nurses to avail themselves for the bigger task ahead in order to forestall any damage be it death or any form of misfortune that will occur to any Ghanaian.

Besides this, knowledgeable and educated people who have the in-depth ability in terms of understanding should do their possible best to educate the rest of the population especially those in the rural areas to know the significance of this scheme. I will also state emphatically that it is the responsibility of Members of Parliament as well as the District Chief Executives in their various constituencies to desist from partisan politics and openly canvass support for the growth of the scheme.

Before I conclude, I wish to urge Ghanaians to take advantage of the scheme.

May God bless the patriotic citizens of this country.

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Columnist: Arthur John