
"Cheat Spider, You Cheat Yourself" A Queenmother Told

Sat, 18 Jul 2009 Source: Fosu, John

One becomes his own worst enemy the very moment he indulges in falsehoods. He consequently loses self respect and then suffers guilty consciousness, shame and disgrace. And the manipulator of that avid liar if any will also be robbed of their peace of mind thereby becoming agitated. Such is the horrendous pupal stage the "Kumawuhemaa" and her daft Wurukye, a dedicated loud-mouthed liar, are currently mired in. They are having their tongue lolling in their mouth like an exhausted dog that has futilely been in pursuit of a game. What a wonder?

Wonders surely will cease only with the simultaneous extinction of life on the planetary earth. Until then, each day may have its own unfolding peculiarity that may be some sort of wonderment. Be that as it may, one is justified to assert that bewildering manifestations at the Asanteman Council are equally wonders of the world. Any instance of one scratching their head and pulling on their hair to unravel the secret behind what amounts to a manifestation of mystery, indicates the occurrence of some wonder.

Amazingly, mind-boggling things have taken place in the Kumawu principality since the demise of the late paramount chief, Barima Asumadu Sakyi II. The sitting Kumawuman queen in a malicious bid to entrench her authoritarian attitudes and rule had desired to impose her son as the succeeding paramount chief on Kumawuman. That failing, as a result of an invocation of the "Asantehene's Great Oath" on her by the Ananangya royal family's head, Nana Nti Kwakye, she has since resorted to some form of malignity. Avowing to have her way as the sole person with the prerogative to choose, to confirm, and to install the new paramount chief without any regard for the role of the kingmakers, she has employed all dubious but fortunately, failing tactics to attain her capricious motive. The failings of all her hatched schemes to attain her intransigent goal go to confirm her illegitimacy as Kumawuman queen if one cares to know. Her ancestry is of Fulani and she never ceases to exhibit that Fulani persona. Her mindset pivots on callousness, greediness and short-sightedness. She with her entire "Ankaase royals" is now proven by me through my writings and recitations to be an awfully illegitimate. She therefore doesn't desire to continue to occupy the queenship let alone, have any absolute right to choose and impose her candidate on Kumawuman, an expressed personal opinion, totally divergent from the views of the Ananagyas and the Odumases. I wish the entire Kumawuman citizens would support my "Straight/Hard Talk view on this irrationally arrogant, greedy and myopic queen. The Ankaases are neither any proper Aduanas of Kumawuman nor are they any Aduanas at all. They probably are an adulterated type of Aduanas seeing from their self-forced co-option into the Kumawuman Aduana royal family as explained in my previous write-ups. Was their forebear "AYO", that immaculate Fulani slave girl bought at the then Ejisu market and taken to Kumawu royal palace an Aduana? She wasn't. What was she then? One had better ask the Ankaase royals. But mind you, the enquirer will be in titters until he pee-pees himself at the funny and confused response they will give.

The queen and her Ankaase royals are trembling like leaf. They are overwhelmed by panic at my revelations. In utter groping confusion, they have directly but unknowingly given credence to my assertions as to their illegitimacy. They have resorted to the unthinkable; a procedure anyone in their right senses with their thinking cap on wouldn't dare take. In an effort to shroud their ancestral past, thus slave status, they have engaged one Akua Wurukye, also a dubious character, to throw dust into people's eyes with her fallacious historical narrations or re-enactment. The queen has lately confided in someone saying, "I have now regretted the course of my actions. I personally engaged the services of Wurukye but if I knew things were going to get accordingly murkier, I should have listened when I was advised to keep the queenship and let go the kingship to the Ananangyas. None of my family members is assisting me with funds and I can no longer bear the pressure that is increasingly coming to bear upon me. However, I shall keep fighting till something happens or else, the Ankaase royal family will be banished from the Kumawuman royalty. I know for sure the two leading Ananangya litigants are too feeble to survive any enduring fight for the throne". What interest me most are her worries over the Ankaase royal family being expelled from the Kumawuman royalty. Why this precipitated fears of hers? It is simply because the revelation of her true ancestral history quite divergent from nobility has hit her hard. They are not true royals after all. This same fear is shared by many of the Ankaase royals. Therefore, they are saying they will do whatever is possible to ensure the Kumawuman chieftaincy disputation drags on for ten years. Their feeling on the subject is in unison with the queen's. They, as illegal, want to resort to delay tactics to keeping the Kumawuman paramount seat for themselves forever. This will happen only over the decomposing and maggot-infested body of John Fosu, that dreaded freelancer who has become a pain in their neck.

Wurukye went to the Asanteman Council sitting a way back as a conniver to invoke the "Asantehene's Great Oath" on Nana Nti Kwakye of the Ananangya royal family. Nana Kwakye had challenged the audaciously disrespectful stance by the Kumawuhemaa on excluding any royal family but her Ankaase's and in particular her son, from competing for the Kumawuman paramount throne. Nana Nti Kwakye never hesitated to rebuff the outrageous claim by the Kumawuhemaa by way of invoking the "Asantehene's Great Oath" on her. The queen had not only asserted verbally but in writing through her barrister that both the members of the Ananangya and the Odumase royal families are illegible for the occupancy of the Kumawuman paramount throne as they are slaves. After realising the enormity of the erroneousness of her claim, she arranged with the dimwit Wurukye to attempt to re-enact the Kumawu royal history. Wurukye claimed in her invocation of the "Asantehene's Great Oath" on the Ananangya royal family that, "Akokohwede3 mmianu nkoko obi afuo ase". This literally translates as, "It is forbidden for two birds helping themselves to a farmer's produce to fight over which bird should have what while in the farm." or, "it is anathema for two thieves to fight over a stolen item". To Wurukye, this was exactly what the queen and the Ananangya family head were doing. According to her, both the Ankaase and the Ananangya royal families are not the owners of the Kumawu Stool but her. She further asserted to have offered it to the queen out of a personal volition and out of her abundant instances of kindness to humanity. She buttressed this contention with an invocation of "Asantehene's Great Oath" on both the Ananangya's family's head and the queen. As the Ananangya's family head did counteract her claim, the queen only sat and looked on with a drooped mouth, uttering not a word. By her silence posture, she did consent to Wurukye's falsifications of history. How could she challenge Wurukye as did the Ananangya's family head seeing that she had employed Wurukye to come up with such a concoction or a complete contortion of historical facts?

Now read what this same unstable-minded liar without comparison has written in her undated petition submitted to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II on Tuesday, 30th June 2009.

* "That Your Petitioners' said family has since time immemorial been one of the royal families or lineages at Kumawu eligible for nomination for the occupancy of the Kumawu Stool any time the stool became vacant". - May I dare ask, "When was the first or the last time that an "Adomako Pim family member contested for the occupancy of the Kumawu paramount seat? And which other families in her warped estimation are eligible for ascending to the Kumawu paramount stool, referencing her analogous "Akokohwede" story?

* "That historically, your Petitioners' said royal family has since time immemorial taken and or played vital customary role pertaining to the Kumawu chieftaincy affairs including the performance of various customary rites relative to the search and enstoolment of an occupant as well as burial/funeral rites of deceased occupants of the Kumawu Stool. This is very well known in the history and annals of Kumawu". - What vital role do you play as pertained to the Kumawu chieftaincy affairs? Who do you help search for an occupant to the throne when it becomes vacant and why?

* "That following from the above, with the vacancy of the Kumawu Stool owing to the demise of the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II and a search for his successor for the Kumawu Stool, the Adomako Pim Royal family cannot be left out and/or denied its time tested customary role and involvement as stated above" - Who is leaving who out? If you do require special invitation before you can either perform your said special duties or compete for the throne, then I am afraid you are not genuine royals as you have dubiously been claiming all along.

* "That the foregoing notwithstanding, sometime in 2008 it was discovered to the dismay of Your Petitioners' family that the Aduanahene of Kumawu namely Nana Sarfo Agyekum II and the head of the Ananangya family of Kumawu namely Opanin Nti Kwakye had been making certain moves in respect of the search for eligible occupant of the Kumawu Stool without due regard and recognition to Your Petitioners' Adomako Pim Family"- Had you expected them to seek your permission before making any such moves? If answered in the affirmative, I should like to know on what grounds? Have you forgotten the adage, "Nea 3de nade no 3de benkum na 3regye" There is no resort to protocol when one desires to reclaim what belongs to him?" Why couldn't you do same but cry wolf over the initiatives of others were your allegation of offering the Stool to the sitting queen true?

* "That it further came to Your petitioners' notice Nana Sarfo Agyekum II and Opanin Nti Kwakye had alleged that it is the Odumase, Ananangya and Ankaase families of Kumawu that are the three principal royal families eligible for nomination for the occupancy of the vacant Kumawu Stool" - Wurukye may be sick but surely she is worse than a confused river meandering in the thicket of the Amazon. There has never been an instance in the ongoing disputation where the mentioned persons have alleged that the three named families are the only eligible ones to occupy the throne. They are rather challenging the queen's submission that they are slaves and in that respect cannot occupy the seat. In the sequence of unfolding events, the queen's legitimacy is rather being called into question. And they will seek to establish that the queen and her Ankaase royal family members are not true royals after all should they be pushed any further. From my in-depth investigations, the "Adomako Pims" are only sub-royals who are content with the title "Etiahene" since that said time immemorial. Being "Etiahene" is similar to one being "Zongohene" or say, a minor chief for any of what would have been a catchment area in a big city.

* "The queenmother admitted having had knowledge of the said allegation and intimated to Your Petitioners and their family that she cannot deny Adomako Pim Family's status as far as the Kumawu Stool affairs are concerned and will thus accept our customary drinks relative to the nominations if we presented same". - Big shame on Wurukye! Were you not the one who authoritatively but figuratively claimed not long ago that both Nana Nti Kwakye and the queen are similar to two thieves fighting over a stolen item? Were you not the one who not long ago claimed you did offer the queenship to the sitting queen on a silver platter from your numerous possessions? Are you now backtracking, going back to her, pleading with her to accept your customary drinks as stipulated above? It does neither take long nor does it take an ingenious Rocket Scientist to have a liar exposed in a broad daylight. Wurukye, that unwitting hand has made a noose out of that long rope of lies to hang up herself. That noose is tightening up on her neck by the day.

The evil plans intended to drag the case at snail's pace was once more unfolded at the Asanteman Council. One of Wurukye's principal witnesses, the "Odikuro" (a minor chief) of Sekyere, came up with a shocking crappy claim. He delusively asserted that the land from Kumawu all the way down to Kpando belongs to him. He intimated that Kumawuhene shouldn't have been made an Omanhene (paramount chief) but he. Why is he not then? Be it known to him that the fact that the name Sekyere precedes some districts in the Ashanti region doesn't bequeath the status quo of paramountcy on him or on any Odikuro from Sekyere. That tiny enclave called Sekyere was in the olden days noted for its enviable hunting activities. With the Ashantis love of bush meat, their great delicacy, people flocked to the area to trade in game meat. This made the place popular. It therefore became referentially necessary that Sekyere was used for easy identification of principalities or districts. It is purely for the purpose of directional bearings that the name Sekyere came to precede some Districts but nothing else of unique importance. For example, Asokore and Effiduase is Sekyere West as it was Kumawu previous. Mampong is Sekyere East and Nsuta is Sekyere Central. Kwamang falls under this Sekyere classification. Does the "Odikuro" of this small hunting village want to tell us that all these places are his because the districts they come under bear the preceding name Sekyere? He must be a bit mental. This is the trait of a false witness, a great liar and a manipulated nitwit. This is the desperate evil work of the Kumawuhemaa.

It is a shame that Kumawuhemaa and her Ankaase royals should think to fool Kumawuman citizens by resorting to such debased tactics. The more they do so, the more they are exposed in their acts as ignorant greedy usurpers. They are gradually but steadily cracking up. Be it known to them this adage which says, "You can fool some people for some time but you can't fool all people all the time". Throw in the towel now as has always been done by respectable but vanquished boxers to salvage the little respect left for them. Wurukye's petition to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is not credible enough. It reveals how hollow and moronic its authors are. The statements therein are not only contradictory to her previous verbal assertions but are also complete nonsense geared towards delaying the hearing and the ruling on the case. If I were a judge, I would crumple and chuck it in the bin as it is not worth the paper it is written.

To help the queen, I will advise as following. The only honourable exit from the quagmire is by dispatching a powerful emissary to the offended parties bearing a message of sober solution to the problem. The message should explicitly render an apology, retract earlier false statements both oral and written made about the Ananangyas and the Odumases; indicate that the queen is ready to relinquish her baseless strangle-hold on the Kumawuman kingship. Anything short of this will surely culminate in the public recounting of her acquired doubtful royalty, her dreaded worst nightmare. She has indeed bitten more than she can chew. "Once the fool becomes conscious of his foolishness, that chess game of underestimation of intelligence ends".

As it only takes a while for a chirping bird perching on a tree to get shot, John Fosu will beg to vamoose. I then call on Opoku Mensah, Kwasi Adu a.k.a Last Day, Alex Opoku Brenyah, Jones N, Supper A, and all other concerned Kumawuman citizens to take up the mantle of Liberation to set Kumawuman free from the grips of an unrepentant callous queen. Adieu! Do I hear you say, "He's gone, and good riddance!

John Fosu

Columnist: Fosu, John