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YEA Ghosts A ploy for the current administrator to fill all the top position with their constituency youth

Sun, 11 Jun 2017 Source: Bobby Mens

When media houses capture stories like "massive transfer hit YEA after payroll fraud" and published the name of affected staff, you create the impression like those affected were the ones involved in the fraud.

Thus if there is a fraud, how come people with Ezwich numbers turned into ghost. Then the managers of the Ezwich platform who generated the numbers base on the biometric details of the beneficiaries should rather be held accountable for generating numbers to supposed ghost.

This is a ploy for the current administrator of the agencies to fill all the top position with their constituency youth organizers who are constantly pressuring them to deliver the promise they made to them to be given the District directorship position.

They have already achieve the promise of making the regional youth organizers to take up the regional directorship ?position and asking the public servants who occupied those positions to proceed on leave.

Currently they terminated all the 200 graduates monitoring and evaluating contract staff appointment and replaced them with over 800 constituency, some cannot even write their names let alone compose one good sentence.

And the same scenario is happening in all public institution such as GHPA, NADMO, School feeding program, cocoa board, etc.

If the media houses don't help to halt such menace, corruption in public service will be intensified because each public servants will see him/her service as public servants tied to the tenure of a political party hence this will bring massive loosing.

Public Service commission, labour commission, PSWU, Head of civil service etc all should help stop politicization of public service.

Columnist: Bobby Mens