
Osei Kyei Mensa-Bonsu: Most Disgraceful Parliamentarian ....

Mon, 21 Feb 2011 Source: The Informer

.... Ghana Will Ever Have!!!

“The Lord reigneth, the Lord reigneth, blessed be the name of the Lord; for the Lord our God omnipotent, reigneth his Majesty”.

We are in a joyous mood singing praises to the Lord Almighty because we have fasted and prayed for, arrogant, whimsical, bellicose, capricious and foolishly pompous Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu’s day of shame to come and we are happy that it has come to pass.

Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, the ill-bred arrogant and pompous nobody, who because of parliamentary democracy, has found himself in Parliament, has proven to the whole world that he is an uncultured brat who does not deserve to be in Parliament let alone be Minority Leader.

Last Thursday, the ill-bred brat decided that he will let the whole world know how stupid and foolish he is.

Last Thursday, the twerp decided that he will let the whole world know how disgracefully disrespectful a character he is.

Last Thursday, the inward-looking ethnic and tribalist uncultured bush animal decided to be the yardstick for measuring foolishness and stupidity.

Last Thursday, the scumbag-of-a-Minority-Leader decided to set the most disgraceful record ever in Ghana’s Parliamentary democracy.

Last Thursday, the dunderhead-of-a-law-maker decided to set a bad example for the youth of Ghana.

Last Thursday, the Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu decided to be the blackest spot on the image of Ghana’s Parliament.

And it came to pass that Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, out of the abundance of his foolishness, decided that he will insult the President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency President John Evans Atta Mills, by refusing to escort the President out of the chamber of parliament.

Out of the abundance of his haughtiness, crass idiocy, gross stupidity, and an over bloated sense of importance, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu insulted the President of the Republic of Ghana via his foolish conduct.

Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu decided to allow his elephantine emotions to run wild and lead him down the path of ignominy and shame.

Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu thought that he was playing macho; but he has ended up chewing the bitter end of the stick and sinking his image in the biggest and deepest manhole in Ghana.

Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu’s image is stinking more than the Korle lagoon used to stink.

No human excreta can stink more than the image of Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu.

Apart from insulting the President, idiotic Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu also insulted the Sword of State.

Yes, for refusing to join the procession to usher the President out of the Chamber, the moronic Leader of the ill-bred and uncouth Minority NPP, showed extreme disrespect to the Sword of State.

A police officer bore the Sword of State as part of the procession and so by deciding to snub the procession, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu spat on Ghana’s symbol of authority.

Apart from insulting the President and the Sword of State, unbeknown to the arrogant skunk, he also insulted the institution of Parliament via his reckless and unwise conduct.

Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu is not the Minority Leader because his father or his mother gave that position to him.

Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu is the Minority Leader because the institution of Parliament has bestowed that title on him.

Bloody foolish Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu does not own the title of Minority Leader; Parliament owns the title.

Being Minority Leader comes with rights, duties and responsibilities and Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, out of his stupid volition cannot decide to whimsically and capriciously, flout the regulations of Parliament.

All the perks that Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu enjoys as Minority Leader; does he enjoy them because his father or his mother pays for them?

Does Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu not enjoy the perks out of the sweat and toil of the taxpayer?

Recently, has Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu not been agitating for an increase in his salary and allowances?

Is it his father or his mother who will increase his salary and allowances?

Or is it his grandfather and grandmother from his hometown, Bronkong-Afrancho, who will increase his salary and allowances?

Or it is the NPP mechanics in Suame magazine who will increase his salary and allowances?

Is it not the state that will increase his salary and allowances?

He wants the state to make him live like an Arabian king yet he chooses to insult the President as well as the State by snubbing the Sword of State, which is the symbol of authority?

Who the heck does Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu think he is?

This low-lying-creep-of-a-homo-sapien; does he think that he is more important than the President of the Republic of Ghana?

What is it that has gotten into the sawdust-filled head of Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu such that he can dare insult the President of the Republic the way he did?

What is it that has convinced Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu and his NPP colleagues to think that they can insult the President of the Republic of Ghana and get away with it?

Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu has convinced himself that he is more important than His Excellency President Atta Mills and in the process, the Minority Leader has bitten more than he can chew.

Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu has disgraced himself, his family and his party and there is no other way to put it.

Honestly, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, via his foolish conduct, will go down in the history books as Ghana’s most disgraceful Parliamentarian cum Minority Leader.

It is said that “when you think you are wiser than the word wise, you end up greeting goats”.

Well, as things stand now, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu has followed his “wisdom” down the path of gross disrespect and foolishness and today, he is in the streets greeting goats.

As for those of us on The Informer, we shall forever remember and cherish 17th February, 2011, because it is the day that the Lord made for, arrogant, whimsical, bellicose, capricious and pompous Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu to disgrace and pour scorn on himself.

Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu, “we gu we nim ase. Enimguase akwaaba ooo!!!”

Pride certainly comes before a fall!!!

Columnist: The Informer