
How Can Discerning Minds Follow AFAG & Kabila!

Sun, 12 Sep 2010 Source: Informer

When a group of drunks, led by their striker, Kwabena Bonfeh, aka Kabila, go and sit down and open their mouths and talk rubbish because they are drunk on Striker Gin, choked on wee, and high on cocaine, it is not surprising that they will talk a lot of rubbish.

This Alliance For Akpeteshie Gulping (AFAG); do they really think that they are making sense? Don’t they have family and friends who are advising them to stop making crass idiots of themselves?

What noise did they make a few days ago? That the IGP should resign because a political prostitute like Frances Essiam says he must resign? So AFAG has become a tool in the hands of Frances Essiam isn’t it?

So a few men just sit and wait for foolish instructions from a no-hoper political prostitute isn’t it? And these men are the ones being allowed to disturb our ears? Ah! Ah! Ah!

Now they want NDC Chairman, Kwabena Adjei to be invited for questioning huh? Wonderful!! So these morons cannot see that they are digging a big grave for themselves?

Are they really prepared for the consequences of their inebriated actions?

Once Kwabena Adei is invited, AFAG should know that there will be lots of petitions to CHRAJ and formal complaints lodged at the Police Stations for Akufo-Addo to be invited and tested for drugs.

Yes, we shall make sure that Akufo-Addo is invited and tested for drugs.

Also, we shall make sure that Jake, Frances, Atta Akyea, Georgina Wood, are all invited by the Police for questioning.

They want to play it rough?

They don’t know what they are asking for.

Where was AFAG when Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong admitted openly that his best friend is a known cocaine dealer?

Where was AFAG when Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong said that Issah Abbas was his best friend?

Where was AFAG when Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong sat at the police headquarters and allowed sacks of pure Colombian cocaine to turn into neatly-milled kokonte?

Where was AFAG when Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong allowed cocaine to get missing from the police headquarters strong room?

Where was AFAG when the whole police service was coloured with cocaine?

Where was AFAG when Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong allowed the police service to drown in cocaine?

Where was AFAG when Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong allowed 77 parcels of cocaine to get missing?

Where was AFAG when Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong allowed 419 and sakawa boys to hold sway in Ghana?

Where was AFAG when armed robbers were let loose on innocent Ghanaians; with the newsstands and news bulletins inundated with a plethora of gory and horrific stories on a daily basis?

Where was AFAG when Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong allowed serial killers to strike at the likes of Rokko Frimpong and the former Ashanti Region President of Ghana Journalist Association (GJA)?

Where was AFAG when Kufuor’s IGP sat down and allowed Ya-Na Yakubu Andani II to be murdered in broad-day daylight?

Where was AFAG when Kufuor’s IGP tortured and handed over Issah Mobila to be murdered gruesomely?

This noisy and foolish AFAG; do they think they will be allowed to get away with their idiocy?

This AFAG; they think we don’t know that they are being sponsored by Akufo-Addo and Atta Akyea?

Where has AFAG been all this while that Akufo-Addo has been accused of being addicted to cocaine?

Where has AFAG been in the wake of all the credible information doing the rounds that Atta Akyea was prepared to burn the country via his evil attempt at getting a court to stop the EC from declaring the 2008 results?

Where has AFAG been in the wake of the revelation that Atta Akyea was attempting to import dead bodies from Kumasi and throw them all over NDC strongholds and create the impression that NPP agents were murdered by NDC activists?

Where was AFAG when Kufuor was getting drunk in hotels and missing scheduled interviews on international networks?

Where was AFAG when Kufuor was sleeping with anything in skirt inside the Castle, in cars, hotels and on his foreign trips?

Let Kabila and co get it straight into their striker-filled apio heads; their stupidity and idiocy is not going to prevent Ghanaians from wanting a Better Ghana.

If Kabila and his gang of striker gin-loving, wee-choked, and cocaine-filled morons, think that they can use their senseless modus operandi of holding useless press conference after useless press conference to muddy the waters, they are simply wasting their time.

IGP Paul Tawiah Quaye is miles ahead of Patrick Kwarteng Acheampong when it comes to professionalism and giving the Police a solid image and Kabila and his gang cannot change this facts.

For sure, Paul Tawiah Quaye is not presiding over a corrupt police force which is in cahoots with drug barons and if for nothing at all, Ghanaians are much happier that they can find some comfort in today’s Ghana Police Service.

The earlier Kabila and his Alliance For Akpeteshie Gulping (AFAG) stop getting drunk and making a nuisance of themselves, the better it will be for them.

On the other hand, if they want to continue to make clowns and idiots of themselves, that is their own cup of striker gin/akpeteshie.

Paul Tawiah Quaye will not resign today nor tomorrow because some NPP thugs did not have their way in Atiwaa and if AFAG does not like it, they can go and bury their heads in a mountain of cocaine since they belong to another party than the Narcotics Peddlers’ Party.

Columnist: Informer