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The Day That Africans Surrendered

Sat, 14 Nov 2009 Source: The Royal Enoch

Those who are familiar with the Scriptures, or even the holy Qur'an would tell you how the fall of humanity came about. It's stated in these two books how Eve the wife of Adam fell for the temptation of a serpent. I've often wondered why Eve was tempted first and not her husband. Did the serpent sense something in Eve, which made her an easier target than her husband? Like for instance, Eve's innermost wish to taste the apple out of curiosity, in spite of God's warning to both of them? Mind you, a wish could be categorized as a yearning. A yearning is more or less a demand for something. And any demand, whatever form or fashion comes with a supply. Therefore, I could safely say that even if the serpent hadn't tempted Eve to take a bite of the apple, Eve would've done so herself in the long run. In comparison to Adam, Eve had a curious nature borne out of discontent. In other words, Eve was not satisfied with what she was, knew and had. She wanted more. And the serpent played on her curiosity and her discontent to fool her.

We Africans had it all when the Europeans came on their deceitful visit. We had our own religions-our own customs and traditions. We had our own festivals and calenders. Our kings and queens ruled over their vast kingdoms. The continent of Africa, like any other continent, had its fair share of both natural and man-made problems. However, these problems were solved using own African ways and know-hows. But then something changed. The Europeans in their minority managed to take over our vast continent from us. Gone were the days when the African had a say in his own affairs. Gone were the days when the African was both the lord and master of his empire. From now on, the African would bow to the dictates of the White-man. Furthermore, the African would be lord over by the White-man. The White-man would tell the African where to sit and where to stand in his own house. The White-man's religion would become the African's religion. The African would wear the White-man' name. Moreover, the African would worship the White-man's God.

I've often asked myself how the Europeans did manage to get us to get rid of ourselves. How did they do it? I ask. Did they bewitch us or something? Did they put us in some kind of a trance? How could a continent, which prior to the Europeans visitation did have all become so confuse and less inventive all of the sudden? In short, how did the White-man manage to dominate the Black-man's spirit? Did they sense something in us, which they managed to use to their advantage? And if so, what exactly did they sense in our nature? See, there is no denying in what has become of us. The White-man has successfully managed to convince the African that water is thicker than blood. That the White-man's paper monies, which he prints aplenty are more valuable than the Black-man's gold, diamonds and pearls. What's more valuable? I ask. A piece of paper with a White-man's face on it or gold? If the answer is gold, then what the heck is the White-man doing buying gold with paper? Does this make sense to anyone? I do believe in the equality of all men. I also believe that all humans are endowed with a heart to feel and a brain to think. However, I cannot for the life in me understand, why our ancestors surrendered themselves to White rulership? What possessed them to put aside our own African Gods, and Goddesses for the White-man's Roman god called Jesus? What made them trade their ancient knowledge full of wealth for the White-man's bankrupt education system? Couldn't we have chosen one African language to unite all of us instead of the White-man's language? The Arabs, the Chinese, the Europeans and the Indians write and think in their own language. Hence, their unity, understanding and progress. Sadly enough, Africans are not progressing. Africans are still dancing to the White-man's whip. And I wonder if our lack of progress could be as a result of us being easily fooled than others. And if so, how come? Does anybody have an answer to this?

Columnist: The Royal Enoch