
How do Ghanaian women manage the menopausal sympotms?

Thu, 13 Dec 2007 Source: Bolus, Mercy Adede

Going through the process of menopause starts with elongation of the cycle length, the term postmenopausal being used after one year with no periods.

I have not done any research on the exact age Ghanaian women however no menopausal symptoms is universal. Reserarch shows that in the Western society the commonest symptoms are hot flushes , night sweats, vaginal dryness and sleep distrubance. Most women manage the menopause by themselves in Ghana as there is no recognised system in place to address this subject area. However few women seek help if they can afford to pay to see a private doctor.

Given the lack of investment earmarked for women health in Ghana should we invest in promoting preventative disease associated with menopause?

Research shows that women with premature menopause usually have severe flushes and require treatment and may often need higher does of hormone. How would women in rural areas in Ghana and Africa get this information when there is no effective communications of health promotion activities around this area.

While women in the now developed countries are well looked after through their health care system as compared to our women who are over 50 languishing in poverty. How could our system help alleviate this suffering among Ghanaian women.

Perhaps a basic education on radio, women groups and other opportuntisitc gathering may help Ghanaian owmen to be well informed what their health and alternatives measures worth considering. There are so many vegetables, and herbal remedy worth exploring. It appears that more research is needed to help Africa women to use local herbal medications.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Bolus, Mercy Adede