
Hurray Its independence

Thu, 6 Mar 2014 Source: Tamakloe, Kojo

Independence can be defined as the freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others. It means one has competency. One then relies on SELF for needs and wants . As we celebrate our 57 years of independence we need to once again analyze if we have actually achieved responsibility for self

On March 6th 1957 , the Founder Dr Kwame Nkrumah asserted “ Ghana is free forever”. But he also said “ seek yea first the political kingdom and all others shall be added” . So why seek first the political? Obviously he understood that was the first step. Did others especially those who went to our Colonial masters pleading “ no master the African is not yet ready to govern himself” understand this ?

Today we complain about Ghanaians suffering like they have never suffered before? The question is when has Ghana been a “ paradise”?. We fought against the British because we were depraved . Facts are there . there were no schools, no hospitals, no roads ,no lights, and only a few lived a self fulfilled life. Simply put the majority , 99% lived a subsistence life. Is that what is now labeled “ paradise”?

Then came the Nkrumah era and even as progress was being made we still complained about suffering. We would use our resources to go and beg that finance should not be made available for projects as they sited “corruption”. Takyie Menson was Minister for housing and construction. Yes, he had a “pot belly” and so we caricatured that the money was going there. But the Estate houses and the roads were still coming out of the “ anus” . Teshie Nungua, Labadi, Kanda, Kaneshie, Awudome, KNUST, UCCC, and bridges . Ghana National Construction Corporation was in the vanguard (GNCC). But we still complained and we still do now . Any form of tax increase by the government was used to justify the plundering that took place under the Colonial masters . But how do we become masters of self and be self reliant? So we decided to throw away our quest on 24 February 1966. So now what do we need?

1 Education This in a general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills , and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next . It helps us to think as Africans so we can be proud of our heritage . It is what will make us survive an forge ahead . We go through a lot of debate about our educational system . The question is has it prepared us for the survival and leadership in the global world ? For the past 50 years how many scientific and technological break throughs have we made. Have we produced adaptable individuals capable of seeing things in broad perspective.? In it will be the problem solvers , not the perpetual whiners that we have . Do we have people we see opportunities or who see threats ? What skills have we imparted from the previous generation?

A skill is the ability, usually learned and acquired through training, to perform actions, which achieve a desired outcome.” So what can we do by ourselves. Should we continue to depend on outsiders to build our roads and houses, sew our school uniforms, design our systems, mine our resources, work on our farms , dictate to us what to do in all spheres of life and then we call ourselves independent ?So in an agricultural country our children go to school but are deprived of the skills and traits that served their parents. So our children cannot fish, raise animals nor grow crops . In fact we are taught to look down on them

We need a change of mind set and that should be led by a new type of leadership who should deserminate this through our educational system

Five Traits of a Good Leadership

There are several traits leaders need for them to become good leaders. The following are five of the most important characteristics any good leader should possess and are traits they should be able to apply in a variety of situations.

Five Traits of a Good Leader

1. A good leader needs a solid understanding of oneself and should also have self confidence. When a person believes in himself or herself, he or she can do and accomplish many things.

2. The best leaders are excellent communicators. A leader cannot lead a group of people if he or she does not speak with them. The best leaders know how to reach a variety of people in many different ways.

3. leaders are resourceful and open to new ideas, especially during tough economic times, Technology helps to change the environment and leaders, need to be open to new ideas that might improve their situation. They also need to know how to use the resources they have to the best of their ability. A good leader does not get set in his or her own way, but takes the information from the past and applies it to the resources of the future. Everyone benefits from this type of leadership mentality.

4. The best leaders in the system make it a point to lead by example, and not simply by words. It is easy to spell out rules and dictate . So if a leader wants everyone to speak kindly to one another , the leader has to make an effort to always speak kindly as well. If a leader wants followers to show one another respect, then he or she must show them what being respectful is all about. This method is effective and powerful, and helps to teach followers an important life lesson as well.

5. Above all, leaders must have a belief in the system and the nation or institution they are leading. If a leader does not believe in ability of the people that they are capable all is lost, then everyone is doomed to failure. There has to be an inherent belief in what the organization is trying to accomplish everyday. Without a leader who is also a believer, the organization will likely suffer from low morale. People will not be motivated to make the change if the leadership does not believe the change can happen

6. It was President Kennedy who said the USa will put a man on the moon. That was an affirmation of faith in his people. They did

Africans and her leaders need this affirmation . The “ Black African” is good as any one else . Nkrumah’s assertion 57 years ago that Africans can be masters of their own fate is correct . We need to go back to basics using what we have to get what we need

Solutions are there but are not tribal based . Ghana has had leaders from the West, Nkrumah, from Accra , Ankrah, from Ashanti, Afrifra, Acheampong, Kufour briefly from the East ,Akuffo, from Brong Ahafo ,Busia, from Volta, Rawlings , from Central , Mills, and from the North Linmann and now Mahama We have not got to the “ paradise “

Ideological . A lot of people regurgitate, free enterprise , aka capitalism , aka “ trickle down, ”aka Reaganomics, or Thatcherism as panacea. Has it succeeded? Adam Smith was British and so was Lord Keynes . But they lived in different times The old Soviet Union, China and even Cuba used socialism to get out of poverty.. Nkrumaism is a marriage of the two economic systems of State intervention and individual efforts. But should we not in Africa accept that capitalism has failed us? Where are the indigenous African businesses . How much do they contribute by way of taxes ?Do we need Chinese and Indians to build our roads and houses. Why do we import tooth picks ?

As the NPP blames the NDC , were they not the ones who visited mayhem onto the country and trough betrayal and treachery precipitated Feb 24 1966 coup.?In the periods they were in power did they convert Ghana into paradise? Are they not the ones who said Ghana was not ready for self rule and has strenuously made efforts to prove that Ghana and Africans are not ready. Were they not the ones who went to the State Dept to lobby against the financing of the Volta dam? Recently have they not been marching around the World to discourage investment in the country. Was the NPP not the party that sold Ghana out and closed 400+ factories? If NDC tried to sell them so they could be up and running , what would the NPP have done? They had the chance in 1966 to keep them running and re start the abandoned ones. In 1969.

Going back to basics means going back to CPP . They have the solutions

As we commemorate the anniversary of our “ independence” let us reflect and hold accountable the people and the forces that have held us back and continue to do so

Africa must Unite

Forward ever , backward NEVER

The writer Kojo Tamakloe is a Pan Africanist who believes , it is the Unity of Africa that can cure its underdevelopment

Columnist: Tamakloe, Kojo