Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia
The managing director of the international monetary Fund (IMF), Ms Christine Lagard has applauded the Nana Akufo Addo government for putting Ghana's economy in a better position.
In her encounter with the head of the economic management team, she observed that,the current state of our economy is far better and in a better place than it was two years ago. This should tell you and i that, our economy in 2016 was in a mess due to mismanagement, senseless corruption and misapplication of public funds under the very man who wants to be president again.
The recommendation from the IMF is indeed a plus to the head of the economic management team. This country went to IMF because our economy was" thrown off gear" under the John Mahama administration at the time oil was discovered in Ghana. The proceeds from the oil exploration alone should have put our economy in a better position but that wasnt the case under the John Mahama administration. We had to run to IMF for a bail out with stringent conditionalities like freezing of public sector employment. Government was asked not to employ graduates and since 2015, there has been a ban on recruitment at the public sector as a result of John Mahama's incompetence.
We are very fortunate as a people to have the Akufo Addo's government in charge of the affairs of this country particularly on sound economic policies, reducing interest rate for business men to expand their capacity, and bringing inflation to a single digit. Dr Bawumia expressed openly in clear terms that, when the agreement expires, Ghana would no longer continue this agreement with IMF in his encounter with Ms Christine Lagard last week friday. This is because we have better managers of the economy now . I am happy about this outstanding recommendation because, the head of the economic management team has been vindicated in his description of the John Mahama government as a creature of monumental incompetence.
Even before the NDC's took us to IMF, Dr Bawumia had already made a prediction to that effect. He was later insulted for making such an economic prediction anchored on sound observation of how John Mahama handled Ghana's economy. Recently NDC's dishonest National communication Officer accused and faulted Dr Bawumia for moving from "economics" to "technology". According to their laughable and senseless disposition, Dr Bawumia's idea to have our economy "digitised" for the purpose of economic transformation is meaningless.
Ghana quickly" run" to IMF after we wasted the tax payers money on the likes of Gyeeda, Asongtaba, Isofoton, and Woyome's fraudulent payment. Even when the supreme court ordered that, those unconstitutional loots be retrieved, they failed in their eight years to make a single attempt to retrieve the moneies for You and I. Today, same person who supervised and engaged in the looting and plundering of the public purse is asking Ghanaians to bring him back to continue his senseless thievery. Again same person who described Ghanaians as people with short memory is stagging a come back because, we have soon forgotten the crimes he committed against us.
The huge sums of money this sensible government is investing in NABCO would have been used to brand buses under the NDC so that, only selasie Ibrahim and Dziva Aku Attivor would be the beneficiaries. The monies this government is investing in Free Shs would have been used to pay dubious judgement debts under the NDC for only their financiers like woyome and the likes to benefit. Also the cost in respect of BECE registration which has been absorbed by this government would have been used to procure Togolese buses as ambulance with inflated cost for their cronies to benefit.
It is the idea of the NDC that, not every Ghanaian should be enlightened through education so that, they can capitalize on peoples illiteracy to win votes with their tasteless lies. If you want to doubt this assertion, check their comments on this free shs policy which has been implemented by this government in less than two years. Something they couldnt do in their entire eight years in government.