
Illegal salt miner Abraham Ahuma must be arrested for mutiny in Ada

52292583 Abraham Ahumah Karimu

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 Source: Evelyn Agbasi

It is high time Ada called out some few charlatans in town whose methods of operation is a pattern of a criminal behavior, and who are sworn enemies to Ada socio-economic development.

For their selfish gains, they have resolved to using every unparliamentary means to severely restrict the efficiency and effectiveness of Electrochem Ghana Limited.

They don't care if they should murder their own, blame it on Electrochem and use it as a scarecrow to indignantly demand for the closure or exit of Electrochem from Ada. If people of Ada do not analyze the falsehood of Abraham Ahumah Karimu and realize he be an outlaw, he will inhibit the development of good rules, and that will cramp Ada's economic growth. An old Ghanaian adage says "One bad nut spoils the whole soup, and bad apple spoils the whole barrel"

It is saddening to know that elements within Ghana National Salt Miners Association and Atsiapor will find no better person than a pretentious or effete man, like Abraham Ahumah Karimu, to sponsor to sabotage Electrochem Ghana Limited. Meanwhile everybody is watching on with his lies and wrong lyrics influencing the few illegal miners with funding from those people outside Ada who had interest in the government concession.

In fact, Ada must be wary of the character called Abraham Ahumah Karimu because his posture, demeanour and sentiments about the presence of Electrochem in Ada will plunge that lovely place into chaos.

▪Can Abraham tell Ada people how the Atsiapor, which his father was so much into, benefited the people of Ada?

▪Can he name one project his father did for the community?

▪Having taken an entrenched posture in Atsiapor and taking over it from your father like a family business without considering the dangers it poses to the community, can you, Abraham, tell us how Ada has gained from your longstanding engagement in Atsiapor (illegal salt mining)?

▪Electrochem, with which you have been in an illegal contention for yourself gains, has done so much for Ada - a fact you vehemently refuse to accept. Can you tell your own people in the face why you deny such facts?

▪With all those monies you have selfishly accrued from Atsiapor, were you able to constantly supply water to Sege Clinic, Ada SHS, and other parts of Ada, a feat Electrochem has been able to achieve?

▪Why couldn't you go to the aid of the market people and traders at Kasseh who had difficulty accessing the market each time it flooded from a downpour? Electrochem was able to save the situation.

▪With your long involvement in Atsiapor, why can't you boast of one community project like the way Electrochem can boast of Sege Sport Village which is under serious construction??

▪Aren't you aware that every woman in Ada who wants some capital for trading gets interest-free loan from a fund made available by Electrochem?

▪Abraham, what do you think would have been the plight of over 3,000 employees (mostly from Ada), in addition to 372 people who were recently employed for local mining, would have been?

Abraham, you are simply joking with your recent defiant statement which is calling bluff the powers-that-be (the presidency and the state security apparatuses). The day the Lessor (Government of Ghana) will be asked by the Lessee (Electrochem) to step in, you will be no where to be found.

You displayed your lawlessness by rubbishing the orders of Ada East District Assembly that say all illegal miners must mine only within the community pans.

In fact, your behaviour broadly betrays you as a person with a low IQ.

And when we have low IQ, unschooled, and uncivilized people, like you, with Hemorrhoids in brains jostling great minds of the people of Ada, then we should know Ada is in trouble.

Abraham Ahumah Karimu will soon be caught up in the sea of frustration with all the so-called salt mining association that are supporting his diabolical deeds.

Even a child on the street knows that Mineral resources belong to the Ghanaian people in common, and their stewardship is entrusted to the President in accordance with the governing provisions of the Constitution.

Columnist: Evelyn Agbasi