
Impeachment or resignation; either must happen somehow!

76651911 President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Fri, 11 Nov 2022 Source: The Fante Phoenix

Mr. President,

I am sure you’re doing very well, sleeping peacefully while your employers, the citizens of Ghana sleep uneasily.

You’re the luckiest employee in the country, enjoying the security of tenure despite your abysmal showing.

In 2016 you came in all meekness and humility to beg Ghanaians for employment. You had been chasing this job since 1996. It was your dream job.

Ghanaians, hoodwinked by your chicanery gave you the opportunity to ‘serve’, and here we are today overcome with regret.

You have together with your cousin and cronies mismanaged the economy with inflation spiraling out of control, the Cedi depreciating at a pace faster than the speed of light, and our debt repayment obligations outstripping revenues.

Your two favourite phrases; “the Covid pandemic” and “Russia-Ukraine war” only served to exacerbate an already precarious situation.

Your stubborn and equally incompetent cousin who you’ve cursed us with as finance minister insisted on not going to the IMF even when the signs were on the wall. Instead, he opted to mulct citizens with the introduction of the counterproductive E-levy, successfully eroding the tenuous profit margins of several thousands of young Ghanaians.

Suffering has become ubiquitous under your careless and incompetent leadership. Penury creeps up on the population. Citizens are leaving in droves to escape your incompetence.

Aside from your incompetence, you’ve proven yourself to be an efficient and effective enabler of corruption, failing to punish the thievery of your appointees.

Galamsey! I’m sure you shudder at the sound of the word. It is evocative of the extent of your complicity in the failings of our nation, isn’t it?

Wontumi spell nso watwer3, Akonta moff moff. Now the menace is out of control, yet your presidency, which was to be on the line, is still desecrated beyond salvaging.

As if these were not enough, when citizens who suffer the brunt of the harsh economic environment complain, you have the effrontery to speak disrespectfully to your employers.

How dare you?!

Where did you learn to speak this disrespectfully to your employers who clothe you, feed you, and take care of your family better than you could have?

Instead of you coming to us to have an honest conversation asking our forgiveness and elucidating the measures you intend to rely on to navigate our way out of the mess, you’re touring the country with close to 30 Landcruiser V8s with one carrying your ‘throne’.

Herh! Ghana we have suffered!

Arrogance coupled with incompetence is a dangerous combination for one person to have. You certainly have both in abundance. You have become a danger to this nation. You and your cronies have become an even worse problem than any pandemic we could ever think of.

William Akufo-Addo, whoever bequeathed you to us only gave us trouble. He only gave us pain and anguish. W’ama Ghanafo) nsa asi fam!

While you and your knavish cronies feel that all of this is a game, know that the 31m people of this country are more powerful and one day soon shall talk back resoundingly. Ghanaians are peaceful and patient but definitely not lily-livered.

You are a man who is benefitting unduly from democracy because you do not deserve to continue in this office for one more day but alas democracy guarantees you a tenure that ends in 2024. I hope Lady Luck will smile at us and end your tenure before 2024. Maybe parliament will develop some teeth and find its conscience to impeach and remove you from office.

Ordinarily, I would have hoped for an improvement in the state of affairs considering you have two more years left but I won’t hold my breath. You do not mean well and so I wish you the worst since it will only bring Ghanaians the best.

Until then, booooooo.

Does it sound familiar? Does it haunt you in your dreams? You better get used to it because you’d hear it everywhere like buga. We shall not relent!

We shall write, speak, go on the streets until we see your back!

Ghana shall rise again from the ashes you’ve turned it into!

Columnist: The Fante Phoenix