
Indoor Residual Spraying…The Success Story So Far

Sun, 14 Jun 2015 Source: Boateng, Emmanuel Agyemfra

Somewhere in 2005,the AngloGold Ashanti Obuasi Mine introduced an Anti-Malaria Exercise which was the Indoor Spraying of insecticide which go a long way to fight the female anopheles mosquito which is the main carrier of the Malaria Parasite.

The company only had the notion of protecting its workers in the mines and their families,which in a way boosted productive in the mines thus low cases of Malaria which was the main illness fighting the workers of the mine.

I was very young but I remember we calling the Spray Operators by the name “Ntontom Soldiers” to wit Mosquitoe Soldiers in their blue apparel! Latter on, the Operations was extended to the whole of the Obuasi Municipality and records from the Major Medical centers indicate the low cases of malaria which also helped school going children from Primary to the SHS because all schools in the municipality were sprayed just as the homes,Absenteeism in schools now became a thing of the past!Increasing School attendance by 70% in the Obuasi Municipality and reducing malaria by 76% in Obuasi..

There’s a Twi adage that goes like…”de3 oforo dua pa na y3 piaa no” to wit he who climbs a good tree needs a push! So the emergence of GLOBAL FUND as a main donor to come support the good cause of AngloGold Ashanti,Obuasi Mine in fighting Malaria in the Obuasi Municipality.Global Fund supported the Programme with $133 million.

With the Funding from GLOBAL FUND,then started the real impartation of the programme, INDOOR RESIDUAL SPRAYING.The IRS Programme was extended to the Adansi North District,Adansi South District and the Amansie Central District respectively!

Youths in these Districts previously resorted to Galamseying or were not properly employed so the emergence of the IRS Programme in the Districts created jobs for young men and women from the ages of 18-50 years.Families and busineses in these Districts were directly indirectly affected by the the Operations of the Programme.

In all,about 2,200 young men and women were trained and employed for 4 or 6 months,some Spray Operators,Team Leaders,Implementers,Community advocates,Supervisors,Drivers and other office holding positions respectively.

The name of the programme was then changed to ANGLOGOLD ASHANTI MALARIA CONTROL LIMITED,making it independent from the Obuasi Mine.

Not only did those around the Obuasi Mine enjoy the benefits of the INDOOR RESIDUAL SPRAYING,but AGAMAL and Global Funds tentacles were extended to the Upper West Region,Upper East Region and parts of the Northern Region respectively and latter the Central and Western Regions had its fair share of the Programme.

In all,25 Districts in the aforementioned Regions are being sprayed,but currently I learnt 10 out of these 25 are doing active Spraying.

In all the Districts AGAMAL is operating, they employ indigence of the District more than any other persons,which goes a long way to boost the economy of the towns and Districts.

Fighting the Female Anopheles Mosquitoes needs powerful but humanly friendly insecticides which was recommended by the World Health Organization, the company used Vegtoguard 400WP, Proguard,Trigger,Actellic 50EC and Actellic 300CS respectively.The efficacy of the insecticide ranges from 4 to 9 months depending on the type of insecticide being used.

You might wonder why I know much of the Company, yes I have really benefitted from the company directly and indirectly, so my in depth knowledge of their activities.

I always argue that, IRS has come to help community folks a lot due to its cost free nature to the locals. We have other anti malaria management measures,such as the Insecticide Treated Nets,Repellants and other things but IRS supersedes all these, in the sense that,Mosquitoe nets given out to people are not being used but are now used for fencing and goal posts whereas you can enjoy IRS without paying a penny but very protective and long lasting.

There’s one major thing I love about the 15 year old Company and it’s the chance they give to the youths to explore! Most of their Positions are headed by young and vibrant men and women who are ready to serve and learn.

The Anti Malaria Programme was scheduled to be extended to 40 Districts in the Country but we don’t know what happened but its our prayer it materializes as soon as possible to enable other Districts benefit from the programme which is Globally endorsed!

Such programmes have their own challenges and shortcomings which needs to be checked and rectified.The Government of Ghana should also extend a hand of help to the company even though they are partnering the Ghana Health Service,the government should help them in finding other donors to come boost the growth of the company.

Making the programme a permanent objective will go a long way to in reducing youth unemployment and the goal of eradicating the deadly MALARIA will come to pass.

It’s my daily prayer this company comes to stay and its positive impacts extended to the whole nation if possible.

What you need to know about MALARIA:

1. A Child dies of malaria in Africa every 45 seconds

2. Malaria kills over 1 million people a year: mostly children under 5 years, pregnant women and the aged.

3.About 500 million people are infected worldwide every year.


The Writer is a Freelance Journalist and can be contacted on 0249542342/0508609109 or

Columnist: Boateng, Emmanuel Agyemfra