
Insulting a sitting president is the most unfortunate sin against God

President Mahama Pity President John Dramani Mahama

Sun, 26 Jun 2016 Source: Anthony Obeng Afrane

Respect for authority is fundamental in the upbringing of children, but it is apparently clear that this important virtue is at an all-time-low, and most parents have dismally failed in this area.

Education is not only about obtaining degrees but learning the principles of living a moral life that glorifies.

Sometime ago, a three-year old girl was seen on a video that went viral, insulting President Mahama. What is the understanding of a three-year old child on national issues?

Who coached her to say those filthy words? Is this the kind of political culture we are bequeathing to our future generations? Very sad!

I am sick and recovering from the effects of the nauseating and disgraceful comments of Kojo Yankson, a host of Joy FM’s morning programme who insulted President Mahama on Thursday June 23, 2016, at around 6 am that he is an armed robber!

A thumb-sucking and a bib-wearing boy calling a sitting president an armed robber? Jesus Christ!

Who is Kojo Yankson to insult President Mahama? If becoming a president of a nation is that easy, somebody would have been president by now.

Kojo and his supporters have sin against God and President Mahama, and need to pray for forgiveness. I won’t go far, they should read Romans 13:1-2.

“Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there.

So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.” Isn’t it frightening?

I expect religious bodies and civil society groups to condemn this distasteful behaviour. Kojo’s apology on Facebook is not enough!

Multimedia and Joy FM must apply a stiff sanction to deter others from doing same if they are not in support of what the young man did. I aso want a reaction from the Media Commission.

I don’t understand why some people because of political power loathe President Mahama so much. What at all do the want from him. In fact, I am shocked opinion leaders of the nation are quiet over this issue. But one thing remains a fact: hatred does not win; love wins.

It is destiny we are talking about here, and no one can alter the fate of the young man from Bole. The arm of God has been stretched; who can turn it back?

Columnist: Anthony Obeng Afrane