
Into Proxy Mills Administration: A Study of Contradictions

Mon, 6 Jul 2009 Source: Sarpong, Justice

"Cowardice asks the question: Is it safe? Expediency asks the question: Is it political? Vanity asks the question: Is it popular? But conscience asks the question: Is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor popular - but one must take it, simply because it is the right thing to do."

Is NDC a voodoo party? Is Ghana a Banana Republic? These are questions that need to be asked based on some recent expeditions taken by the remotely controlled khakistocratic Mills administration which has its precedence from what the founder of that party, Dr "O" Level Rawlings, trained his cadres to believe in.

DR "O" Level Rawlings started this nonsense when he accused some NPP Ministers of the murder of 34 women who were killed under his watch and instead of providing the names of those he suspected to be the culprits, refused to do it unless he was sworn to the "Antoa Nsuo Niama" Oracle at Antoa in the Ashanti Region. As recently as July 1, 2009, this born anarchist who needs to have a perpetual fixation on the NPP to target the hatred, demons, and contortions that have taken abode in his brains and heart was it again. He told a delegation of Volta Region's MPs that: “ [G]iven the nature of the opponent- politically motivated killings with no trials whatsoever, coupled with a general reign of terror- he is not surprised so-called ‘professional criminals’ are terrorizing the people, explaining that a lot of violent crimes are the designs of political opponents whose aim is to discredit the government and make it unpopular.” And that twerp, I am sorry to say, was a former president; somebody who dictates to and remotely control Atta Mills. If Rawlings does not respect himself, I shall have no trouble in calling him a bigot and a fool every time, without any reservations. Must we tell the NDC that those people supposedly appointed by the previous government are Ghanaians too, pay their taxes and have families to feed and raise? What country can we hope to bequeath to our children if it is headed by such hate driven buffoons given to juju and dogma?

It was reported recently on Myjoyonline that, eight operatives of Yaw Donkor's NDC BNI dragged eight operatives to a Trokosi shrine at Akatsi in the Volta Region to find out who amongst the eight was leaking inside information of that Agency to the media.

"…BNI drags suspects to Akatsi Shrine”

Unable to control the spate of leakages at its offices, the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) and the National Security on Wednesday May 13th, 2009 dragged eight of its operatives to a shrine near Akatsi in the Volta Region to ascertain which one of the them might have stolen what BNI insiders said was a “highly controversial” recording of some former officials of the NPP administration in connection with a kick-back issue.

One after the other, all eight of the operatives were made to put their necks into a rope which had been tied to a huge stone and buried in sand. The Chief Priest then besmeared their necks with funny scented oil and asked them to pull their heads backward. The idea was that the rope will hold tightly to the neck of the culprit such that the only way to loosen the grip was to confess the theft.

Unfortunately, none of the eight persons could be trapped" BNI is supposed to be manned by crack investigators who can make Kojo Mpiani shiver to sickness with their tough questioning tactics but can't even find out who is leaking information of its operations and has to seek the help of a Trokosi Oracle? An NDC friend of mine in this forum compares the operations of BNI to that of United States FBI, but I am yet to hear of the FBI heading to Louisiana to seek the help of the Creoles of Louisiana some of whom believe in "Voodooism" to help them crack their tough cases.

The Sports Minister of this NDC administration, Alhaji Muntaka Mubarack was accused of asking for thousand dollars per match to seek the help of a Mallam to ensure Black Stars victory in their quest to qualify for the 2010 World Soccer Fiesta to be hosted by South Africa. What kind of government is Atta Mills running when individuals like Muntaka make knucklehead decisions like that to discredit the hard work of people like Essien, Muntari, Mensah, Kingston, Paintsil and others who train hard to ensure our qualification instead of seeking the help of a Mallam who might even turn out to be the same corrupt Muntaka.

One Sheik Salati Imam Rashid accused a political party of killing albinos to ensure an election victory and attributed the recent spate of road accidents which have claimed many lives as the payment for the blood of these albinos. Do we have to crack our brains to determine which party might be responsible for this? Let me take you back to the memory lane. It was NDC that prior to the elections, tried to fly some doves that have gone through a rigorous rituals and were supposed to fly away to signify a victorious election for them. Unfortunately these birds refused to budge to Mills commands and refused to fly away.

People, it's the same Mills that want to turn the Castle into a 24/7 worshiping camp for Pastor Joshua of Nigeria but under the cover of darkness, seeks the help of oracles to show him how to rule the country. Mills bumblings at his swearing in ceremony and his "Ecomini, Opepepeeee and Ofuntuo" pronouncements are a curse for trying to worship two gods.

Presented By

Justice Sarpong

Dallas, Texas


Columnist: Sarpong, Justice