
Inusah Fuseini Is A .....

Tue, 15 Feb 2011 Source: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

Inusah Fuseini Is A Sick Man

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D

I am not sure what Ghana’s deputy Energy minister either smoked or drank last night before hitting the sack, as it were, but it is rather outrageous when Mr. Inusah Fuseini makes the following sneering queries of Nana Akufo-Addo, regarding the political legitimacy of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its key operatives:

“Who are the oppressors? Oppressors are those who took over the will of the people without a legitimate mandate. How can you call a Government that has been legitimately constituted as oppressors? That interpretation has no foundation. It has no leg to stand on” (See “Akufo-Addo’s ‘Behavior Is Bordered [sic] On A Lunatic Fringe’ – Inusah Fuseini” 2/12/11).

Well, in case he has so soon forgotten how the NDC came into Fourth-Republican existence, then let me emphatically remind the Tamale-Central MP that almost every one of the key operatives of the Atta-Mills government is illegitimately protected by an “Indemnity Clause” that was deviously and criminally inserted into Ghana’s Fourth-Republican Constitution to enable judicial and moral reprobates and assassins’ accomplices to practice politics in our country.

At another time and in another country, or place, at least half of the leading membership of the NDC would either have been summarily executed by firing squad, just as then-Flt.-Lt. Jerry John Rawlings did to Messrs. I. K. Acheampong, F. W. K. Akuffo, A. A. Afrifa and Yaw Boakye in June 1979, or they would still be serving long prison sentences in the various detention centers dotted across the country.

And here, we must also quickly point out that President J. A. Kufuor and his political associates of the now-opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) made a great error in judgment when after succeeding to the constitutional reins of governance, they failed to present the NDC thugs with one of two choices, namely, either you accept the Indemnity Clause protection mischievously inserted into the 1992 Constitution and vamoose from our national democratic political arena, or you immediately face criminal prosecution and clearance, where applicable, before you are allowed to actively participate in our national political culture.

As it stands, what Ghanaians now have in the government of the so-called National Democratic Congress, are a bunch of unconscionable and pathological criminals who firmly believe that it is their bounden right and manifest destiny to dominate and maim their political opponents whenever and wherever they find the same to be expedient.

In other words, as human animals, the key NDC operatives have no moral credibility to either govern or pretend to serve as role models to our youths.

Ironically, even as I write, in the very hometown of Mr. Fuseini, the police are out on a massive manhunt for some rambunctious NDC youths who illegally broke into the premises of the Tamale General Hospital and made away with at least eight of eleven vehicles scheduled to shortly be auctioned to the public. Earlier news reports indicated that these youthful thugs had resorted to such auto-theft because they felt inalienably entitled to the provision of jobs, as promised by the Mills-Mahma government in the heated run-up to Election 2008.

One would thus have thought that parliamentarians and key cabinet appointees like Mr. Fuseini would rather concern themselves with such anti-social acts of criminality. Instead, here we are with this obviously woefully underemployed Minister/MP daftly quoting from the Qur’an (Koran) and presuming to imperiously instruct Nana Akufo-Addo about how godly and spiritually rewarding it is for members and supporters of the NPP to continue serving as punch-bags for NDC havoc wreakers.

If, indeed, he feels so strongly about the purportedly placid precepts of the Koran, then why doesn’t Mr. Fuseini teach the same to his NDC assassins, thugs and hoodlums?!!!

*Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D., is Associate Professor of English, Journalism and Creative Writing at Nassau Community College of the State University of New York, Garden City. He is a Governing Board Member of the Accra-based Danquah Institute (DI) and author of “The Obama Serenades” (, 2011). E-mail:


Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame