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Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) the future?

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Sat, 8 Apr 2023 Source: Alhajj Suleman

It has become more and more emphasized by many that AI is the future. In making this assertion, there is no mention, at all, of the limitations of AI. Cardinal amongst the limitations of AI is its lack of feelings, and therefore, its inability to make moral judgements.

With this grave limitation, AI is open for abuse by a generation that has placed less emphasis on morals. Since the onset of neoliberalism and post-modernism, this generation has deemphasized everything that was previously deemed sacrosanct, pristine, canonical, etc. The concept of God, family values, gender roles, amongst others, have been debased, thereby, blurring the moral standard lines that previous generations held dear.

This craze has wrecked the moral fibre of this generation, especially for those of us who view the world through the lens of religious beliefs. But even those who don't view the world through such a lens complain about the moral turpitude that has ravaged this generation. One can, thus, say that the craze of a "free world" - which I call "everything goes" - as pontificated by extremist neoliberals and their ilk have pushed the world on a cliff of an implosion.

To prove that my assertions are not bombastic, I refer readers to the many studies that have established high divorce rates, drug abuse, low birth rates, porn addiction, depression, suicide, and similar other social maladies. These established social maladies prove, conclusively that, this generation is headed into an abyss. If, indeed, the "everything goes" craze was the panacea for a better generation, then these maladies should not rear their ugly heads in the first place.

The fact that we have witnessed unprecedented levels of freedoms in the world, yet we see a corresponding increase in immoralities and their attendant social maladies, is a testament that, the "everything goes" ideology is dodgy. To make that ideology the linchpin of a generational progress, is a click on the button of cataclysm.

Having underscored the unprecedented levels of depravation and correlated that with the mainstreaming of the "everything goes" craze, the question is whether a generation so sick like ours can make any good use of AI. My question is founded on the assumption that, the things I have aforementioned, i.e., the decline in morals and its resultant explosion in social maladies, have over the years, been amplified by the proliferation of uncontrolled technology in the make of phones and social media apps.

AI, being a powerful tool, can destroy and build a generation. It will, certainly, destroy a society that hinges its entire progress on AI while neglecting morality that is founded on pristine and traditional values. Conversely, AI will build a society that has built a solid foundation of organic morality, i.e., morality that is rooted in traditional values. I argue that morality is the only credible fetter that can curb the excesses that AI may pose going into the future.

In conclusion, I state that, AI can be the future of devastation and further social maladies, unless it is linked to morality. Therefore, I say, AI is NOT the future, but rather PART of the future - that is if the future has any regards for morality.

Columnist: Alhajj Suleman