
Is JJ Rawlings' marriage worth emulating?

Opinions Image Opinion

Tue, 14 Jul 2015 Source: Ntenhene Felix

J.J Rawlings is one Ghanaian politician who has gained the love of almost all Ghanaians across all political divides.

He attended Achimota School where he obtained his general certificate O level in 1966. While in Achimota School, he was a member of the cadet corps and the Red Cross.

He was also a member of the Achimota School choir. J.J Rawlings spotted Nana Konadu Agyeman in Achimota School. In an interview on Joy FM in 2012; Nana Konadu said, J.J Rawlings decided to join the school choir which she Nana Konadu was already a member. It is told that Rawlings was always seated at the back during choir rehearsals. He couldn’t sing well, but that didn’t stop him because he knew why he joined the choir.

In January 1977, he married Nana Konadu Agyeman in Ridge church and had their first child on 1st June 1978. She was named Zanetor, which means “Let the night stop”.

According to Nana Konadu in the said interview with Bola Ray in 2012 on Joy FM, she said, they married at a time when Rawlings had nothing. She had to rent an apartment; their room had no chairs so Rawlings took the chairs of an abounded aircraft at Burma Camp to their room. That is what they used as sitting chairs.

The two have married for about 38years and we all know the role of Nana Konadu Rawlings role in advancing the dreams and visions of J.J Rawlings with 31st December movement etc.

You can see that the two couples are very compatible and Nana Konadu did not reject Rawlings despite his humble beginning. Their political vision kept them together and most importantly “TRUE LOVE”. It was very strange for Nana Konadu to break away from the NDC; a party founded by his husband and founded her own party without the full support of her husband.

Rawlings during the NDC National Delegate Congress in Kumasi made an appeal to the NDC to bring Nana Konadu back to the NDC. Is that not strange?

How many men will allow their wives to break away from their political parties and found their own political party?

There was even a time that some NDC youth at Berekum in the Brong Ahafo Region called on JJ Rawlings to divorce his wife. The youth leader, Alhaji Katongo argued that Nana Konadu attacks on the NDC meant that she didn’t love her husband and the NDC. It will surprise you to know that one of Rawlings daughters is called “Yaa Asantewaa Rawlings” and that portrays ethnic tolerance.

There are many things we can learn from J.J Rawlings marriage in both our political life and our relationship with people. We must allow tolerance and love to reign in our lives. There is nothing keeping Rawlings marriage than “TRUE LOVE” and that is what we are lacking in our generation.

I know many ladies today would have described Rawlings as “a poor ofri Gyato”. Our young ladies must learn to enter into relationships on the basis of love. Your visions and dreams must be compatible with your partner to keep you moving no matter the challenges.

It’s rather unfortunate that these days most ladies are looking for guys who have already made it in life to marry. Some great guys have humble beginnings.

As a nation, we must also learn to tolerate people irrespective of our religious and political differences. Voltarians can marry Ashantis when there is “TRUE LOVE”.

A Muslim can marry a Christian when there is “TRUE LOVE”. An NPP lady can marry an NDC guy when there is “TRUE LOVE”. With true love and understanding Muslims and Christians can attend the same boarding school. With true love, I don’t think a politician will embezzle money meant for making a borehole for his people. With “TRUE LOVE” anything is possible.

As for me, I think J.J Rawlings' marriage is worth emulation because it portrays the meaning of “LOVE." Tolerance and love can bind us together as a country.

Albeit I am not saying JJ Rawlings is an angel but there is always a good side of every man and even when the antelope is your worst enemy, you must be bold to praise it for it swiftness.


“We are not children of a lesser god”

Ntenhene Felix



Columnist: Ntenhene Felix