
Is Mills a Tartuffe or NDC Made in Ghana Saint?

Mon, 29 Nov 2010 Source: Damoa, Adreba Kwaku Abrefa

Politics of Insults: Is Mills a Tartuffe or NDC Made in Ghana Saint?

The Ghanaian political terrain has always been extremely unruly especially during the first and this fourth Republic, whereas the second and third Republics saw little or no insults and indeed no violence at-all. The political climate of this fourth Republic has been marred with a wide range of nasty conduct typical of poor and striving to develop countries best described as very unbecoming of any civilised culture; from murders, unprovoked assaults and the use of violence against opponents, shit bombings, goondas who snatch ballot boxes, government control of national security forces against opponents, political vendetta, nepotism, partiality, father for some to the apparent least of all insults. It is rather so strange that President Mills has now realised that the political playing field is rough. From the days of yore Mills knows the genesis of the provenance of insults in politics and its attendant assaults and attacks on opponents. It therefore makes even his soi-disant asomdwoehene all the more factoid, fake and pretentious because there is nothing irenic in his deeds therefore he is not fit to wear the crown of a peace maker under any circumstance. He says one thing but means another and cannot be trusted for anything. Below are a few hints for his attention if for some reason he has developed amnesia.

The genesis of insults and violence in politics can be traced back to the UGCC days in the late 1940s. After announcing his formal decession from the UGCC to form his CPP, Nkrumah needed to cook a story fitting enough to justify his secession from the UGCC. In his usual demagoguery, the only justification he could fabricate for the people to turn against Dr J B Danquah and his four other benefactory UGCC colleagues was to label them as a venal lot who had taken bribes from the Colonialists hence stalling the self-governance process. This labelling damaged the integrity and credibility of the original five members who formed the UGCC in the eyes and opinion of then Gold Coasters. Though factoid Several UGCC promising youthful faithful including Victor Owusu, Jonathan Kwesi Lamptey, R Amponsah just to name few believed Nkrumah’s cooked story and joined the rank and file of the CPP but later made their U-turn after realising that Nkrumah had lied hence the allegation was concocted and false. From this invective accusation, mudslinging and violence took their turn on the political landscape. The first nocent aggressor of political violence was Baffoe a UP defector into the CPP who stabbed Twumasi to death in Kumasi in a political argument.

When later he became the leader of government business, Prime Minister and President with almost all executive political powers at his disposal to carry out any investigation imaginable, from his prison cell, Dr J B Danquah dared Nkrumah to prove his allegation of bribery against him and his UGCC colleagues but Nkrumah could not. Such is the seed that Nkrumah sowed; such is the image and personality whose steps and tactics the NDC and CPP follow and adulate as necrolaters to lead us into a better Ghana. Let us not forget that John Mills, with Nkrumahist background has vowed to follow the footsteps of Nkrumah hence his various attempts to impocket the police and the entire security forces to silence his political opponents as Nkrumah did in his usual Russian style. Usually when people run short of facts in any dialogue they automatically lose eutrapely so their flatness resort to lies and propaganda ending in the use of insults and menace. Such has been the NDC from its nascence sourced from its opificer whose believes in nothing but violence.

Like Mohandas K Ghandi whose apparent religious convictions made his legacy dubious rather than saintly, Ghandi always presented an orant image quite typical of Hindus he made powers-haring with Moslems much harder and was quite prepared to make hypocritical use of violence when he thought it might suit him, “Saint Mills” has presided over more evil and devilish deeds than he can think of and crave to repair. In the course of campaigning for votes to be President, Mills was portrayed by his vociferous propagandists most notably Fiifi Ankrah as a God-fearing religious candidate as if he was to come and lead a hierocratic government, yet the conduct of his appointees coupled with his own tell the whole tale in black and white. Mills’ combined pedetentious nature his pusillanimity and dulciloquy were naively and erroneously taken for meekness and so were they attractively packaged and sold to Ghanaian voters who as it is claimed bought it with the least haggling. If John Mills and Jeremiah Rawlings receive beatification albeit fictitious by the unfortunate souls of mishallowed NDC as a saint and Jesus incarnate respectively to the acceptance of Ghanaians without demur, then it can be concluded that Ghana has become dusky in the presence of the Almighty and that götterd?mmerung (the ultimate defeat of God by evil) has -undoubtedly dawned on Ghana.

The golden rule is plain and simple for all to understand, pursue and adhere to if we want to live as a proper communal synallagmatic civilised society however does John Mills believe and make recourse to the tenets of the golden rule? The fact of being baptised and attending Sunday church services regularly but not without regular occult practices with pseudo-Christian fellowships yet with irate and vindictive disposition is rather indicative of religiosity and not religionism. Mills wants his opponents to do unto him all the positive reverences that he would not opt to do onto them; hence he would cast a blind eye to assaults on his opponents, brush over his ears when opponents are insulted but would cry wolf whiles indeed he himself is lupoid and keeps a vivarium of several breeds of the goriest wolves in his backyard.

John Mills’ far cry appeal to Ghanaians through the medium of the various religious leaders of Ghana boarders on the lack of discipline in Ghana may take a reasonable amount of time to be heeded to unless he can discipline his own people. What was his reaction and response when John Rawlings insinuated him as Atta mortuary man? He should therefore imprimis ask his mentor John Rawlings from where he imported indiscipline into Ghana culminating in the introduction of the PDCs, WDCs, cadres etc. and start the correction exercise from there for all these reside under his own roof with whom he rubs shoulders daily. NDC-made Saint Mills has not felt the impact of the effect of all these decades old anti-social lager loutery conduct until now that he has seen that “Great Birnamwood is moving and onto High Dunsanane is coming against him”

LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE is what Ghanaians look forward to and not Soviet/Chinese/North Korean style leadership by dicta. Sir, honour your deed of saying by following the NPP example by publicly denouncing your obnoxious nocent groups and individuals just as the constituents of Asokwa and the entire NPP did to Hon Kofi Jumah by pressurising him to apologise; also learn from Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo’s example for advising Hon P C Appiah-Ofori to apologise to the Oguaa chiefs after realising that P C had a strong nolition spirit and lacked due discretion to initiate apology to his traditional heads as required by custom, protocol, courtesy and decency.

Where was John Mills when the shit bombs went around pro-NPP print media houses? John Mills was present at Koforidua where Frances Asiam was badly assaulted with inflicted grievous bodily harm to her body by his Party’s lager louts. Was Mills deaf and blind when Dr Obed Asamoa was similarly attacked? John Mills applauded enthusiastically when John Rawlings referred to all politicians as thieves. Where was John Mills when John Rawlings branded ex-President Kufuor as Ata Ayi? Where was Mills when Nii Lamptey Vanderpuye caused Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo to be jostled by his NDC sycophantic faex populi as he referred to him as a short man on the Fetu festival durbar grounds at Cape Coast? What has John Mills so far come to say to his so-called foot soldiers who have chased out his appointees from their office including the latest incident of chasing away the Ashanti Regional Minister at Kumawu? Did John Mills hear the statement made by his Ashanti Regional Minister incident to his fugacious escape from his own hounds? Is Mills aware that foul-mouthed Tony Aidoo, Koku Anyidoho, Fiifi Kwetey, Kobbi Achampong and many more others work for him right under his nose?

For a probable suggested solution to his worries, John Mills should bring his master John Rawlings to order, discipline his Tony Aidoo, Rojo Mettle Nunoo, Benyiwa Doe etc. as a starting point of the exercise and also ensure that the Azorka and Asogli boys cease to exist and also sincerely proclaim an independent Police and all other security forces to ensure clean, free and fair future elections. Such is the expected conduct of a supposed saint irrespective of where it is made and a leadership quality example that can command and be obeyed.

Adreba Kwaku Abrefa Damoa LLB; MPhil (London) London UK

Columnist: Damoa, Adreba Kwaku Abrefa