
JOY FM At It Again!

Wed, 4 Jan 2012 Source: Dailypost

JOY FM is at it

again, packaging a fake anti-NDC government story and presenting it to

Ghanaians as a fact!

The Accra-based

station several times yesterday broadcasted a news item that claimed that a

pressure group called The Generational Youth Movement has dragged President

Mills to CHRAJ over the judgement debt paid to businessman, Alfred Woyome.

The radio station

claimed that the Generational Youth Movement is asking the investigative body

to find out what due diligence was done by the President and his cabinet before

GH¢58million was paid to Mr. Woyome.

However, a quick

crosschecking of the facts of this issue by this paper revealed that CHRAJ has

not received any formal complaint from the so-called Generational Youth


Simply put, it is a

palpable lie that the Generational Youth Movement, which to all intents and

purposes is a pro-NPP group has made a complaint to CHRAJ on the matter of the

judgement debts.

Further work done

by this paper revealed that CHRAJ has not really fully resumed operations after

the Christmas and New Year holiday because its office is under renovation. Why

did the radio station refuse or fail to crosscheck the claims of the pro-NPP


JOY FM’s official

website, myjoyonline, as usual skewed

the story to make the President and the NDC look bad.

The website claimed

in its reportage that the payment of the judgement debt to Mr. Woyome provoked

‘a sea of controversy”. This again, is another lie. It is clear to all and

sundry that it is only the opposition NPP which is shouting itself hoarse over

the matter.

Again, the website

described the judgement debt as ‘controversial” even though there is nothing

controversial about it. Mr. Woyome, a businessman, felt short-changed by then

President Kufuor’s abrogation of the CAN 2008 Stadium contract won by a

consortium he led. He went to court and secured a judgement debt in his favour.

Period! He is not the first person to win a judgement debt nor will he be the


Gradually, the

hitherto neutrality of JOY FM is fading, with the station holding itself up as

a pro-NPP media outlet.

Columnist: Dailypost