
Jobs Galore!!!

10.06 Kufuor

Wed, 11 Oct 2006 Source: Oduro, Kwabena

On Tuesday 3rd October, The President, Mr. J.A. Kufuor launched the National Youth Employment Programme which is going to reduce unemployment rate in Ghana.

This is historical and a giant move to address the unemployment canker that has bedevilled our dear Nation for more than decades now. We should sometimes and for a moment try to put our political spectacles aside and see things as Ghanaians.

Nobody can challenge the fact that until now, no government in the political history of Ghana has been so commitment to job creation, fighting unemployment and especially the plight of the youths who are certainly the future of this country. Take or leave it, this is hard truth that the NDC and the other opposition parties will find it very difficult to accept for political reasons. I know that some political heavy weights and NDC sympathizers will pounce on me to insult me without addressing the facts.

This country has had a government who came and sold companies to their cronies and collapse others even to the extend of telling people not to purchase the products of some particular companies given rise to unemployment rate in Ghana but contrary to this the NPP government has generated and committed an amount of 1 trillion cedis which is closer to the debt NDC left on the country when leaving office.

The amount is committed to generate a whole 155,319 jobs in all the 10 regions. This is not paper work but a serious commitment to the eradication and the reduction of unemployment especially among the youth to the barest minimum.

If you are NPP, CPP, NDC, PNC, GCPP, or DFP we are all qualified to access and maximise this great opportunity to the fullest. Indeed the government had actually started this programme as early as June this year and has already provided employment for 33,945 people, you can have your opinion since they are free but what I have given here is the fact that cannot be disputed.

In furtherance of this, agri-business under the programme has already registered and employed 13,069 youths and it’s suppose to attract about 74,870 youths. In addition, Ghana Education Service (GES) as of September 19th had employed 14,000 youths and on waste and sanitation 3,588 young people have also been taken on board while 1,241 out of 3,000 internships are going to other agencies.

Some social commentators especially Mr. Kwasi Pratt is always and consistently accusing the government of no jobs, but let see because of the repeal of the Criminal Libel Law and the liberalisation of the air waves by the NPP government people like Mr. Pratt is always on television and radio stations 6 times in a week. At every station he is given 200,000 cedis, radio gold might even be more. 200,000 cedis a day for six days in a week is 1,200,000 cedis multiply by 4weeks in a month will amount to 4,800,000 cedis per month which is closer to one month salary of a bank manager only for speaking against the government on radio and television stations. If this so called senior journalist turns around and say there is no job and no money in the pocket, is he therefore not a liar?

To add to this, Millennium Challenge Account will also create thousands of jobs, construction of affordable houses, construction of roads and bridges, PSI, mass spraying of cocoa have all generated a lot of jobs for so many people not to talk of the rippling effect. I know some people will say most of the jobs are not permanent but whatever the case a job is a job. You can choose to qualify it by permanent or temporal but the bottom line is that, at the end of the day it will put food on the table. Thanks to President Kufuor and the NPP government.

I was gradually loosing interest in voting but casting my mind back to all these things I think the NPP without any shred of doubt deserves my and your votes.

Kwabena Oduro
Madina, Accra

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Oduro, Kwabena