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John Dramani Mahama is a unifier

89536661 Former President, John Dramani Mahama

Tue, 17 Jan 2023 Source: Yidana Waterz

It is trite knowledge that I'm an avid fan of President John Mahama. He is one of those few politicians whose conduct hardly betrays the trust of his supporters.

It has just occurred to me that, maybe, John Mahama is too fine for our kind of politics. His philosophies, his deeds, his demeanour, in fact, his sheer presence ooz diplomacy. Simply put, President Mahama exemplifies humanity.

His sterling qualities of diplomacy and love for peace and unity enabled him to navigate with admirable ease a situation that could otherwise turn acrimonious.

During the campaign leading up to the just-ended national executives' elections of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), President Mahama remained faithful to the cherished democratic principle of neutrality expected of him.

Reports were rife of some candidates making frantic attempts at associating the Mahama brand with their campaigns. It cannot be said that President Mahama may not have had some preferred candidates, but he prioritized the party's interest over his private wishes;

He levelled the grounds by openly dissociating himself from any camp and pledging to work with any candidate the delegates voted for. And, magically, such machinations ceased forthwith. The elections were clean and the NDC is standing strong.

Matters however came to a head following the fallouts from the National Youth Organiser elections held in Cape Coast a week earlier. It saw one of the losing contenders, Ernest Yaw Brogya Genfi, flatly rejecting the results of the election and then proceeding with court action.

One more time, President Mahama, as affable as he is firm, was the bridge that extended the olive branch to both parties. They smoked the peace pipe and reaffirmed their fidelity to the party. This simple but complex act ended the bantering, threats and bitterness, and with a united front, the NDC is marching into the battle ahead in 2024.

Back in the day when President Mahama was Vice to President John Atta Mills, his official residence was in Dzorwulu and so I happened to be one of his numerous neighbours. In fact, my house was barely a stone throw from his.

Just in front of his house, church service was held every Sunday under a makeshift structure. It was utterly shocking to us in the neighborhood when the then Vice President allowed them despite the power at his disposal to ban such "noise-making activities". It is, therefore, not surprising to me that President Mahama never fails to patch the differences of disputing parties. He is as peaceful as a dove.

And, Ghana, having sunk so deep into a seemingly irredeemable economic crisis, is in urgent need of a John Mahama.

Ghana needs a leader that listens to her people. We are yearning for a leader who is compassionate. A humble leader. Altruistic.

We can do a lot more now with a leader who is frugal; Mahama had done it before. He is all this and more. He takes all the insults and still does the right things, a dead goat, right? He just won't bend so low to break Ghana's back just so he can stand tall. Ghana needs President John Dramani Mahama the second time.

Columnist: Yidana Waterz