
John Mahama - The man who is a global fizzer due to his corruption rigmaroles

John Dramani Mahama John Mahama John Dramani Mahama John MahamaFotoJet(1) Former President and Flagbearer of the NDC, John Mahama

Thu, 24 Oct 2024 Source: Prof. Dinkum.

Have you for once, cogitated over the romance of corruption mobbing John Mahama? I go ballistic anytime I do so! It appears John Mahama is a - tooer of corruption; his corruption allegories are unrivalled and unheard - -of. He has ranged himself in a way that, in no more time, he may have a designed department in the teaching of corruption in our various higher and tertiary educational institutions.

John Mahama is in a circle of Mohamed Suharto of Indonesia, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine, Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire etc. Although no institution, organization etc spearheaded by a mortal being will be sacrosanct, the rate at which John Mahama has snaffled and snavelled funds from public projects or schemes and funnelled them into his pocket is awkwardly certifiable! We are yet to fathom if his corruption tides are something, gleaned from geneticism or aleatory effect.

To fan out some of the obscene and gross transactions of John Mahama is the STX deal: Somewhere in 2009, we were broadcasted that, the STX Housing deal was going to donate about 200,000 affordable housing units to the country’s security agencies at a gauged cost of $10 billion. However, due to the immutable culpa of John Mahama (he was supervising the procurement of those items then), such that, H. E. Atta Mills accentuated in his 2010 Nation Address that, “ the Vice-President had travelled to Seoul, Korea, to nail the coffin’ of STX " and the boardroom rammy between the project supervisors—STX Korea and GKA Airports Company Limited (STX Ghana)—the indenture, alas hit a dead end. Rivetingly, paragraph three of the Off-Taker agreement frames:

“The Government of Ghana, hereafter, GOG, hereby undertakes to issue and in favour of STX a government guarantee, under Section 10 of the Loans Act 1970 (Act 335) securing its financial obligations in relation to the GOG Off-Take, valid and sufficiently viable to enable STX to obtain funding from financiers and investors for the forty-five percent (45%) of the 200,000 housing units to be built under the housing project. In relation to this Off-Taker agreement and the government guarantee, the GOG shall waive its sovereign immunity.”

Suffice it to foreground that, if the government of Ghana had welshed on its bond with STX, there could have been palpable and binding legal repercussions. A censorious rubberneck, therefore, contended a shade staidly that, in all the contractual documents, there seemed to be no such legal statement modelled to safeguard the onus of STX to adhere to its side of the deal.

It, therefore, came as no rude awakening to some of us at all, when it was later trumpeted that, John Mahama had allegedly given a staggering $300 million bill regarding the STX accord, even though, the deal did not materialize.

John Mahama's yearning to enrich himself parochially and rapaciously was indecipherable: upon being given a miscellaneous fee as vice president, he enrolled into a faecal route of attaining nimiety amount of monies, whereas, he was incorporated in illicit, grotesque and machiavellian pacts unceasingly. In this regard, John Mahama instigated the purchase of a luxurious customized ' Embraer 190 Presidential jet ' under the moniker of a " Strategic Airlift Aircraft " for the Ghana Armed Forces. In the said account, John Mahama and Cortège granted to shell out for a basic price of $55, 264, 000 for the Airplane, despite the fact that, the Airline's Company price quote was between $28.5 million - and $40 million.

The Airplane was also optioned for a first-class configuration grossing its price to a bumped-up aggregate of $88 million. The configuration of the Airplane entailed an auxiliary fuel tank, costing $8 million; an air staircase valued at $1 million and in-flight entertainment of $1.4 million. It is in whatever way, implausible to think that, $17 million was earmarked to construct a hanger to house the airplane. This is congruous with his introit - ' e dey bee keke ', indeed!

John Mahama's inveterate corruption dates reached the high-water mark in the diaspora also. He became prominently illustrious because of his notoriety. He was the prime spotlight at every nook and cranny in April 2014 for a conspicuous ground. He made Ghana a cradle of global derisiveness: all other countries were booing us due to John Mahama's excrescently corrupt kind of leadership then. Ghana is known universally, as a result of our halcyon and prodigious reputational virtues and fingerprints - but this portrayal was thinned when John Mahama enlivened his cynical identity eventually under his presidency. According to the New York Times Newspaper, it articulated that, John Mahama was allotting gold to Iran in traffic for oil through his brother, Ibrahim Mahama surreptitiously.

The divulgence by Engineers and Planners, the company owned by Ibrahim Mahama, in expostulating the assertion birthed by this newspaper enunciated that, " the delegation led by Ibrahim Mahama to Iran was wholly for a private business assignment". Swiftly, in carpeting of this claim made by his company, GBG outlined, " All the reports from the New York Times and the Iranian Foreign Ministry never mentioned a private business delegation but an official government of Ghana delegation who met Iranian counterparts as part of a broader push to expand cooperation between the two countries ".

These paradoxical statements provided an enzyme to the aphorism, "There's no smoke without fire " at that point. Of course, something of that kind transpired under John Mahama's administration but it was executed out of camera. How did a revered intercontinental newspaper come up with such news, if there wasn't a minute of truth in it? The most confounding scene here is that Ibrahim Mahama wasn't appreciated or assigned as an official government staffer, but he acted as a de facto government official in any mercenary deal all the time. This denotes how John Mahama and his family ransacked the country to supplement their financial capacity. He sucked the country dry before his tenure was exhausted at a duff point.

The recent one was the Airbus Scandal. I become disgruntled whenever I think that John Mahama is a former president of this country. The man literally got us into an irreparable bummer globally. The way he used his family members to nobble the country is beyond scientific exegesis still. Corruptions are the major recipe for his financial quantum leap currently. In spite of the fact that he was emancipated from the Airbus Scandal, which we all know tripped that egregious and macabre decision of the Special Prosecutor, Kissi Agyebeng esq. My cerebral amigo, insulated the longevity of his profession in case, a catastrophic circumstance occurs, whereby John Mahama is averred as the president.

Although Airbus SE (Airbus or the Company) went into a deferred prosecution agreement on January 28, 2020, in the District of Columbia to pay a synthesized penalty of more than $3.9 billion to resolve foreign bribery charges in various countries, erecting out of the Company’s scheme to use third-party business partners to suborn government officials, as well as non-governmental airline executives, around the world and to resolve the Company’s violation of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) and its implementing regulations, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), in the United States, but I still conjecture, since John Mahama was known as the " government official 1 " on the authority of the Special Prosecutor in that nefarious case, he should have been indicted, regardless of the aforementioned.

Again, we had ample evidence for the incarceration of John Mahama in that corruption felony. Ordinarily, we have four primary forms of evidence, namely;

* Demonstrative evidence

* Documentary evidence

* Real evidence

* Testimonial evidence

And with this, we had all these four evidence from the Airbus SE conveying that, they were a corrupt aligned institution and that, they offered a humongous amount of monies to some government officials comprising Ghana, where John Mahama was found in that bracket anyway. But my friend, Kissi Agyebeng esq, put the foundation and efficiency of our law into a precarious state, when after conceiving that, John Mahama was the " government official 1", but yet, gave him a pronouncement of indemnity - ludicrously farcical!

On this note, we have registered that, John Mahama is morbid and amiss to be the subsequent president of Ghana again, since his baseness and vices clamp down on his dexterity, vision and competence.

NB: John Mahama remains the first and only person, who has been investigated as a vice president under the supervision of his boss, the president, H. E. Atta Mills then for corruption offence. This sour record shall be in the antecedents of Ghana and beyond indelibly since nobody can suppress it.

Columnist: Prof. Dinkum.