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June 4 Revolution: Letter to Ex Sergeant Alolga Akata Pore

Ex Sgt Akata Pore Ex-Sergeant Daniel Alolga Akata Pore

Fri, 17 May 2024 Source: Delanyo Agbe

Dear Daniel Alolga Akata Pore,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Delanyo Agbe, and I write to you as a fellow Ghanaian and follower of the late Jerry John Rawlings. I am compelled to address the recent statements you've made in Joy's TV Upfront interview, where you've leveled accusations against Rawlings, questioning his integrity and the motives behind the June 4 revolution.

As someone who was once a part of the historic events of June 4, your perspective carries weight and significance. However, it has come to light that some of the claims you've made are not based on truth but are rather fueled by personal grievances and misunderstandings. It pains me to see the memory of Jerry John Rawlings, a leader who dedicated his life to the service of our nation, tarnished by false accusations.

Rawlings' legacy is one of courage, integrity, and commitment to the welfare of the Ghanaian people. His leadership during challenging times paved the way for significant strides in our country's development, including the transition to multiparty democracy, economic reforms, and social justice initiatives. His contributions are undeniable and deserve to be respected and honored.

While disagreements and conflicts may have arisen between individuals during Rawlings' time in power, it is crucial that we uphold the principles of truth, respect, and dignity in our discourse. Spreading false statements and accusations only serves to undermine the progress we've made as a nation and dishonor the memory of those who have dedicated themselves to Ghana's advancement.

I urge you, Daniel Alolga Akata Pore, to reconsider the impact of your words and actions. Instead of dwelling on past grievances, let us focus on fostering unity, reconciliation, and the continued progress of our beloved nation. Let us honor the memory of Jerry John Rawlings by upholding the values he stood for and working together to build a better future for all Ghanaians.

In conclusion, I extend an invitation to you to join hands with fellow Ghanaians in celebrating the legacy of Jerry John Rawlings and contributing positively to the development of our nation. Together, we can honor his memory in a manner befitting of his remarkable contributions to Ghana and its people.

Columnist: Delanyo Agbe