
Kwesi Pratt Whipping The Government And Calling For Action

Fri, 5 Aug 2011 Source: Tawiah, Francis

The Managing Editor of the Insight newspaper, Kwesi Pratt, has said that though he has no shred of doubt about the moral integrity of President John Evans Atta Mills, he believes that alone is not reason enough for Ghanaians to want to retain his administration in power. >>> Wait a minute Kwesi! The moral integrity is good but the best is what comes out of the moral integrity.

He said a lot more is needed to be done to improve the livelihoods of the people to convince them of voting to preserve the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) in power. >>> Kwesi!, Why are you coming this late with your professional propaganda, when the four years is almost over and the Ghanaian people are still suffering. NO money in the pocket but more money in the pipeline for jets. They want to fly jets because they are afraid of the Armed robbers on our bogus roads.

During a discussion on Radio Gold's current affairs programme Alhaji & Alhaji Saturday, Mr Pratt stated that it was time for the government to move forward in terms of its handling of the bread and butter issues of the citizenry. >>> After eating bread with butter you still need water to push it. Kwesi!, I am cock sure, since you are now (very late) asking the government to see to bread and butter of the citizenry, the government will start giving the people something and keep on promising more, short before the 2012 elections which is somewhere around the corner.

According to him, the upcoming elections in 2012 ? which many commentators believe is going to be a watershed in the country's political history ? will be based on issues affecting the living conditions of the people. >>> This means many people, I think about 45% may not to be able to go voting because most of them are sick and could not be healed or recuperate because their health insurance cards are no more valid. I mean the system is not properly workig as it should be, Prior to that most of them may be afraid to move from A - B to vote because of the influx of Armed robbers in the country.

?The 2012 elections should not be taken for granted because this is going to be a keenly contested election and there are so many variables that need to be looked at properly,? said Mr Pratt. >>>For instance foot soldiers carrying away barrot boxes?, All-die-die, Kwesi? or new jet flying all over Pulling stations? Is that the head to head contest you're trying to talk about?

One of the major features of the campaign, he noted, would be the level at which prices have risen since the Mills-Mahama administration took office in 2009. >>> Not only that now one has to walk miles away before he can get something to buy at an exorbitant price, since street hawkers are arrested and prosecuted in the court.

?Have prices risen? What are the factors which have compelled prices to rise? Could something have been done about it? What is the rate of increases now as compared to the rate of increases in the Kufuor administration and previous administrations as well?? He asked. >>> Another hypocrite questions from Kwesi Pratt, while the straight forward question should have been, Why the government has not subsidized any increment? For instance fuel and import duty.

Mr. Pratt therefore urged the government to pay particular attention to the clarion call of the people in relation to the level at which prices rise thereby making life's survival very difficult for many. >>> Kwesi! I thought you were going to say why the government is not creating employment for the people despite the numerous huge loans acquired.

Mr Pratt quizzed: ?What will be the message of this administration come 2012 with regards to increases in prices??? >>> Don't worry yourself Kwesi! you and the foot Soldiers will carry a fresh and good baked message to the people to win votes. "When money begins to talk every wound shall be healed and within a twinkle of an eye people will forget about everything".

Further, the 2012 elections, according to him, is also going to be crucially decided based on the manner in which de-congestion exercises, especially in the capital city Accra, is being done. He admitted that the city had to be de-congested to pave way for waterways and also for the purposes of beautification. >>> Which water Kwesi!? rain water or pipe line water? Is it not so, that they are constructed underground? If so then What has de-congestion got to do with street hawkers? Has the Mayor started laying pipelines for water supply as well as covert(s) for rain or waste water in the capital city?

However, the editor minced no words when he noted that ?sending bulldozers around to Chokor and other places to demolish houses and push people into the rain without any consideration what happens to them thereafter is particularly reckless, politically reckless.? >>> Kwesi! are you telling the government or the public? And why this time? Is it because we are not far from 2012?

Kwesi Pratt stressed that the issue of de congestion was very critical since it could have very serious repercussions on the 2012 elections; ?it can, to a very large extent, determine who becomes president and who does not become president.? >>> And so Kwesi! who becomes the President in your own opinion in 2013? Assuming and knowing very well that Mills government de-congested and demolished houses and structures as you have said.

The editor emphasized that it was important for all to understand that those who sell in the streets do so because they have no option ?and they do so as a matter of survival.? >>> Kwesi! you have now criticised enough let us come to concept. What is your concept? What should have the government done from the onset? Wonderfully, until now you have been on the side of the government, You even went to the extent of promising to do everything you could to make sure not to see Nana Konadu Agyemany Rawlings bearing the flag of the NDC for the 2012 elections. Why are you kicking behind the same government? Kwesi! I see you at the peak of your hypocrisy trying to catch some cheap popularity in other to gain the interest of the people and then try to convince them at long last, which government is considerably better.

?You think that these boys selling chewing gums in the streets?have no ambitions? All of them would wish that one day they would also be ministers and be saluted by policemen?,? he argued.>>> Oh! Kwesi!, what is the priority to be saluted by policemen, is it not the same as greetings? Since there are no jobs in the Country, those boys selling chewing gums in the streets you are talking of are fighting for existence but not to be saluted by the police or whatever.

Mr. Pratt also noted that the role of ministers is to inspire for productivity but expressed disappointment that too many of government appointees have been glued to their seats. >>> Minister for Productivity? You mean infrastructural Development,yes!Kwesi! And more over the Ministers are not glued to their seats but glued to their 4x4 cars.

He insisted that it is time for the appointees to reach out to the people and explain to their understanding government policies. >>> Kwesi! I can get you clearly! you want to tell the Ministers in another way that, it is time for the 2012 elections campaign so they must go out to their various constituencies but not forget to wear their camouflages. Oh!yes! and promise the people "BESTGHANA" this time. "Better Ghana" was yesterday.

??It is not sufficient to go out there and create the impression that everything is rosy rosy rosy rosy, it is time to compel people in the administration to focus attention on the needs of the people,? he persisted while lamenting the fact that in a tropical rainy belt like Ghana, people had to continue going round in search of water. >>> Ahhhh! I think there is something biting me!! Listen to the hypocrite Kwesi Pratt, now telling the Ministers how they should wear their camouflages, I mean how they should go about their campaign.

He claimed that the moral authority of the President is being chipped at gradually by the opposition and thus, advised the President to reinforce his authority by showing non-performing appointees the exit door. >>> One moment!! Kwesi! what do you expect for instance from a common DCE if the main administration of the government is (not or) performing at a tortoise pace. Do you think the people need only water? What about if they are sick? How effective is the Health Insurance system in the country? For how many hours do you need to travel by road in Ghana for a journey of 200 kilometres?

?I have full confidence in the personality of John Mahama, I still believe in the moral integrity of the President but these are not enough, things need to be done,? maintained Kwesi Pratt. >>>"THINGS NEED TO BE DONE"!! AAAAMEN!! "confidence in personality and moral integrity", is that all! What about ACTIONS and PERFORMANCE, Kwesi Pratt? Why can't you once in your life "call a spade a spade" and stop always beating about the bush! What do you gain alone from personal popularity and riches if your fellow Ghanaian people are suffering?

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg - Germany)

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg - Germany)

Columnist: Tawiah, Francis