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Dates have fifteen (15 ) surprising health benefits


Thu, 23 Mar 2023 Source: Alby News Ghana

Dates have a long history of being a delicious and meaningful snack. The palm date tree, which has been domesticated for at least 6,000 years, is important to many different religions. Muslims offer babies a taste of date as part of their ceremonial first meal, and the fruit is popular during Ramadan, which is a month when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.

The head of the department of family and community health sciences at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, Sara Elnakib, says that breaking the fast with dates and water or dates and milk is customary for Muslims everywhere. She is a public health educator with a PhD.

She continues, "Dates are a great way to break your fast because of their combination of fiber, nutrients, and energy. Additionally, they are on the healthier side as a snack for other occasions".

Numerous date varieties can be found all over the globe. The large medjool or the diminutive Deglet Noor are the two species you are most likely to see in the United States.

Dates come in a variety of flavors and nutritional profiles, but overall, according to Elnakib, they tend to be excellent sources of fiber, vitamin B, and minerals like potassium and magnesium. Let's examine their advantages in more detail.

Reduces triglycerides

You can immediately lower your cholesterol and manage your weight by including dates in your diet.

Packed with disease-preventative vitamins

Dates contain antioxidants that shield your cells from free radicals that can damage internal organs and cause illness. These antioxidants are abundant in dates:

Carotenoids lower the chance of eye-related disorders and are good for your heart health.

Flavonoids are potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds with many advantages. It is beneficial to lower the chance of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and particular types of cancer, according to studies.

Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, phenolic acid also lowers the chance of some cancers and heart conditions.

Make bones stronger

Copper, selenium, and magnesium are plentiful in dates. The condition of your bones depends on both. Vitamin K, which aids in the metabolization of your bones, is abundant in dates.

Additionally beneficial for those with osteoporosis, dates can reinforce your bones.

Enhances mental wellbeing

Choline and vitamin B can be found in dates. Both are advantageous for the processes of remembering and learning. Regular date consumption has also been related to improved cognitive abilities in older people and a decreased chance of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease.

Another advantage of eating dates is that they reduce inflammation and avoid the development of plaque in the brain.

Enhances intestinal wellness

Dates are rich in natural fiber, which promotes regular bowel motions and enhances the condition of your entire digestive system. improved nutrient absorption, improved liver and kidney health, and mental relaxation are all benefits of having healthy digestion. Are you experiencing constipation? Additionally, dates can support that.

Aids in bodily detoxification

Dates and date extracts promote healthy liver function and help to ward off liver fibrosis. Because your liver works to keep waste and harmful chemicals out of your body, this enables your body to detoxify naturally.

Manages insulin

According to research, dates can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. By boosting insulin production and slowing down the rate at which the body absorbs glucose from the intestine, dates can also reduce your chance of developing diabetes.

Quench your desire for sweets

Dates have natural sugar, which is excellent for lowering your cravings for sugar and other unhealthy sweets. Their sweetness makes them a wonderful alternative to white sugar.

Enhances epidermis

A great supply of vitamins C and D is dates. Both can support you in keeping your skin clean and elastic. Dates have anti-aging benefits, and they also stop pigment from building up.

Helps with weight loss

Dates are excellent for weight reduction because they are high in fiber, which keeps you feeling full for longer. For an additional boost of energy, try eating dates on an empty stomach before working out.

Treating insomnia

Dates might help you sleep if you've been having trouble. For a few weeks, consume a blended beverage made from dates, fox nuts, and milk before bed, and you'll undoubtedly notice a difference.

Increase heart wellness

Dates contain antioxidants that aid in preventing the development of atherosclerosis and heart illnesses.

According to PharmEasy, dates also offer several advantages that are unique to your gender:

Male benefits of dates include

Improve men's sexual wellbeing since ancient times, males have enjoyed dates as a delicious food that also improves their sexual health. According to some studies, going on dates can increase your sexual endurance.

Dates contain flavonoids and estradiol, which have beneficial impacts on increasing sperm count.

Columnist: Alby News Ghana