
Kumawu Krontihene Cries Wolf. Will Asantehene Attend?

Tue, 12 Apr 2011 Source: Fosu, John

As a saying goes, "When a long rope falls into an unwitting hand, it does not take long for a noose to be formed to hang up himself" It is also said, there is time for everything, and an end to everything that is under the Sun, the Moon and the Stars. Kumawu Krontihene, alias "Tikenenkenen" Nana Koduah Peprah, has been availing himself of every slightest opportunity to make money since the death of Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II. He has dubiously been amassing personal wealth at the expense of the Kumawuman citizens.

I can read from an article published on under its General News of Saturday, 9th April 2011 titled, "Kumawu Traditional Council sends delegation to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II", that the noose is closing in upon the neck of Krontihene. His desperation was all too obvious for even a day old child to see. His infantile behaviour culminating in illogically incoherent analyses to nail the Aduanahene of Kumawu, Nana Sarfo Agyekum, was all over the place. Krontihene with his corrupt associates in the persons of Okyeame Koduah, Sanaahene Nana Ofori Amponsah (Kwame Tawiah) and Samaahene Nana Osei Kwame in unison are attempting to cause the dethronement of the Aduanahene. But little do they know that when they are pointing an accusing finger at Aduanahene, three are pointing backwards at them.

All their efforts expended in what I conclude as futility was directed at faulting Aduanahene for involving himself in what they call as active politics. Krontihene is saying Aduanahene, alias "Joe Fry" (mistakenly assumed by others as "Joe Fly") for the fact of leading the dismissed Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains DCE, Mr. Jacob Kofi Darkwah, to Accra in an attempt to plead for his re-instatement is guilty of contravening traditional protocols as spelt out by Asantehene. To them, he is playing active politics. It is prohibited for any chief, sub-chief or any traditional leader under the Overlordship of Asantehene to involve themselves in active politics. Let me take these little minds to the Dry cleaners after which they will be taken to school to learn the basics of political education.

It is common sense and an acceptable Akan adage that, "he who brought home sugar cane was the same one that brought about the accompanying flies". This goes to state that "nothing ventured, nothing came" Was it not Krontihene and Kumawuhemaa that hurriedly dispatched an endorsement letter to the Office of the President in favour of Mr. Jacob Kofi Darkwah? Were they not instrumental in his appointment as the DCE in the first place? Should not the one that ensured his appointment be accused of playing active politics rather than the one that attempts to get him re-instated? Or, are both not equally guilty of the same offence? What a bunch of ignoramuses the Krontihene, Sanaahene, Samaahene and Okyeame Koduah are? Illiteracy is not in itself a disease but those that fail to educate their minds are the infectious fatal diseases. They should note that intelligent guys out there are reading into their minds and making informed decisions.

All their exhibited efforts so far are only an attempt to mask their deplorable corrupt practices. They are trying to deflect people's attention and anger from their too pronounced corrupt practices and absolute incompetence. Any dynamic, selfless and farsighted traditional leader that wants progress for their area will monitor closely the activities of the MCEs and DCEs. Does any such close monitoring of these Honourable officers most of whom are corrupt constitute an engagement in active politics? Are President Mills and his NDC Government stupid for asking the chiefs to work closely with the DCEs to ensure the maximum proper use of any government allocated funds for developments for such areas? Anyway, these corrupt entities are only interested in what goes into their pockets than the general welfare of Kumawuman so no wonder their baseless attempt to level a charge against the Aduanahene. If Aduanahene had gone to Court to fight the cause of NPP, it was in the general interest of Kumawuman. Was it not to ensure the genuine person wins the seat? I will not hesitate to take you bunch of economic saboteurs, thieves and recalcitrant to court any day, any time, that the opportunity presents itself. Does that make me a bad citizen? Does that make me seem to be interfering actively in traditional matters? And if it does, is a crime punishable by chastisement, imprisonment, excommunication from society or public flogging? As long as it is in the greater interest of the majority of the suffering people, I will not pause a minute to act.

To know a little about the underhand dubious engagements of Krontihene and his corrupt lieutenants, please do read my preceding article entitled, "Is Asantehene privy to the Kumawu Krontihene's Embezzling Spree?" Kumawu Krontihene will cough every pesewa he has stolen from Kumawuman. Should he not be incarcerated to serve as deterrence to other would-be embezzlers of public funds?

Blame Asantehene for all the sufferings of Kumawuman inhabitants especially, the students of Kumawu Tweneboa Kodua Secondary School. His dillydallying for whatever reason to hearing and delivering ruling on the Kumawu Chieftaincy case has allowed this "Kalabule" Krontihene to plunder Kumawuman with impunity. Cry, the beloved Kumawuman.

Stay tuned for more revealing articles on Kumawuman and how Kumawuhemaa, Krontihene and others are fleecing Kumawuman "kwata kwataa". When a Ghanaian is stealing, he thinks to be smart. Krontihene, Kumawuhemaa and all the mentioned sub-chiefs share the same Ghanaian sickening view and mentality. Shame on them!

John Fosu

Columnist: Fosu, John