
Kumawuhemaa Organizes her "Last Supper" and says Adieu!

Sat, 27 Nov 2010 Source: Fosu, John

Kumawuhemaa amazes a lot of Kumawuman citizens by way of being intransigent. She

has as a result of her unreasonable obstinacy reminiscent of that of the Biblical

Egyptian King Pharaoh earned the title "Queen Pharaoh" One will recall that

biblical history has it that King Pharaoh resisted God in diverse ways. God had

resolutely determined to liberate His people, the Israelites, from slavery from the

land of Egypt. Tried as God did, He was opposed by King Pharaoh until He struck

dead all the first born children of every Egyptian family. Pharaoh could not

understand that simple message "Let my people go" God at a point felt persuasion

had failed so He applied force.

Similarly, God has asked Kumawuhemaa to permit the true paramount royals of

Kumawuman - the Ananangyas/Odumases to repossess their Kumawu Koduah Stool but she

keeps resisting. The fact that her bizarre character, unpalatable royal history etc.

have been made known to the entire world means nothing to her. Kumawuhemaa having

been exposed by God and my research as not a true royal still doesn't bother any

bit. She feels assured that her wish will in the end prevail. We live to see.

She celebrated her birthday a few days ago. She invited many of her Ankaase royals,

some of the sub-queens and the few of the corrupt sub-chiefs that support her cause.

She said to the invited guests, "Aduanahene se me ye Fulani ni enti oregye na kondwa

na nso mmenfa ma no". Literally translated as, "Aduanahene (the Head of the

Kumawuman Aduana family) says I am a Fulani so he is retrieving his paramount throne

from me but I won't give it to him" Aduanahene has never said that but her own

history proves her so.

I am persuaded that the birthday party she threw was actually the celebration of her

farewell party from the throne. It is a similitude of Jesus' Last Supper. She will

celebrate no more parties of any sort on the throne any longer, so the God Almighty

says. She will disgracefully capitulate any moment from now same as Essumejahemaa,

her best friend, is going to fall from grace to grass today. That is the wages of

greediness, insolence and short-sightedness.

I wonder why non of the supposed Ankaase royals has until now not openly challenged

Kumawuhemaa, their family member but looking on agape, dripping at the mouth while

she drags them along a dangerous path into oblivion. Is it stupidity or wisdom, I

wish to know? Anyway, the Ankaases are paying the price for their utter wickedness

and visionless. They came, they forced their way into the Kumawuman paramountcy,

they imposed themselves on the Ananangyas/Odumases and they sought to exterminate

them. Their heinous trick worked but for a while. Now God is saying enough is enough

with the Ankaase royals. "Give the throne back to my people", God says. But will the

queen listen?

The queen has locked horns with God in superiority fight. Who is mightier and who

will win? We all live to see. The queen like King Pharaoh thinks she will win the

fight. But she should hold her breath until the Asanteman Council; the referees have

declared the winner. Anyway, I wish her a happy birthday. How old are you now, Nana


John Fosu

Columnist: Fosu, John