
Kumawuhemaa Rejects the Traditional “Death-Announcing” Drink

Sun, 4 Jan 2015 Source: Adofo, Rockson

..Presented to Her by the Deceased Kontrihene’s Family

By Ashanti tradition and custom, drinks, particularly bottles of Schnapps (alcohol), are presented to certain designated persons to inform them of the death of a family member. This traditional rite is performed soon on the death of a family member. The drinks are presented to certain important personalities whom you respectfully want to inform of the family member's death, and also, to invite them to attend the deceased person's funeral. This is an obligatory requirement in view of our Ashanti tradition and custom.

Among the persons to whom the said drinks are presented are, one's father or mother-in-law, the clan heads if you live in a close-knit village, the village head, and certain highly respected persons very close to your family, the chief and queen of your town, etc.

In the case of Nana Peprah Koduah IV's (Kumawu Kontrihene) death, it was all too obvious and obligatory for his family to inform Kumawuhemaa of his demise. As stated above, they could not go empty-handed, but to announce to her, his death, following laid down traditional procedure. Subsequently, they presented to her schnapps as custom requires.

When they called at her home to announce Kontrihene's death, it turned out that she had travelled. They left the drink and message for her with the person they met in the house.

When Kumawuhemaa returned and the message was delivered to her, she hurriedly summoned the leaders of Kontrihene's family to her house. When they went, she asked them to explain their motive behind the presentation of the drink to her and the newly dubiously installed Kumawuhene, Dr Yaw Sarfo (Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah?). They said they had brought the drinks to inform her of the passing of Kumawu Kontrihene, Nana Peprah Koduah IV.

Upon hearing the reason behind the presentation of the drink to her, she said, "I don't know of any Kumawu Kontrihene. I never knew that Kumawu had a Kontrihene who is now dead. Take away your drinks because Kumawu had no Kontrihene who is now said to be dead"

What could be the reason for Kumawuhemaa saying in front of Kontrihene's family that she did not know of any Kontrihene in Kumawu in the person of Nana Peprah Koduah IV who is now dead? If she did not know him, or never knew that Kumawu had a Kontrihene, then what the heck did she say before the collusive Asanteman Council on 24 February 2014? Was she not captured on video tape levelling charges against a person she pointed to as her Kumawu Kontrihene? Did observers not see Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, an accomplice to Kumawuhemaa, also point at Nana Peprah Koduah IV as Kumawu Kontrihene in the video now placed on YouTube under the title, "Asantehene involves in corruption?" Why is Kumawuhemaa now saying that she never knew Kumawu had a Kontrihene and that she does not recognise Nana Peprah Koduah IV as Kumawu Kontrihene?

Is the woman mad or what? Does she not require neurological examination of her brains for possible signs of madness? She is trying to play clever with intent to legitimize the illegal enstoolment of Dr Yaw Sarfo where the non presence of Kontrihene and Akwamuhene was conspicuous. Without these two traditional war captains around, the enthronement of Dr Yaw Sarfo is traditionally neither recognizable nor acceptable.

Try as Kumawuhemaa and her accomplices (Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asanteman Council, Dr Yaw Sarfo and some corrupt judges) do, Dr Yaw Sarfo's enstoolment will never be accepted by the good historically knowledgeable Kumawuman citizens. He is not a matrilineal descendant of Barimah Tweneboah Koduah I, the originator of the Kumawu Koduah Stool. Additionally, he breached a court injunction barring any attempts from whomever to enstool him as Kumawuhene, until determination of the circumstances by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Again, the actions of Asantehene, Kumawuhemaa and Dr Yaw Sarfo, the supposed Kumawuhene, are totally in contravention of Warrington Notes on Stool Disputes (Article 13), Ghana Criminal Code ACT 1960 (Act29) – Sections 239 to 247and traditional laws accepted by Asante Confederacy which became applicable laws since 1938.These are comprehensively explained in Dr K. A. Busia's book titled, "THE POSITION OF CHIEF IN THE MODERN POLITICAL SYSTEM OF ASHANTI".

Refer to the following links for more detailed information on the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute in regard of Dr Yaw Sarfo's (Kumawuhemaa and Asantehene's puppet) enstoolment.




Is Kumawuhemaa afraid of attending Kontrihene's funeral? Will his ghost rise up to give her a double slap if she did attend his funeral? Does she have any spiritual knowledge or involvement in his untimely death? If none of these is a possible reason, what else can explain her actions for denying Kontrihene, by rejecting his traditional death-announcing drink presented to her?

God willing, we shall overcome. The fight to set the Kumawuman captives free from the tentacles of rogues continues unabated!

Lest I forget, all those crazily supportive of Kumawuhemaa and her accomplices, in their perpetration of crimes against Kumawuman citizens with impunity, have the right to criticize me as they see fit. However, they must first read the content of my publications before spewing their destructive or constructive criticisms against me. They can insult me as much as they want, however, they must be seen to be making sense.

"He who does not know, and knows not that he does not know, is a fool". I am fighting for the betterment of Kumawuman citizens. People will better understand me in the near future.

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson