
Kumawuhemaa Sets Stringent Conditions for Handing over the Throne

Wed, 15 Sep 2010 Source: Fosu, John

Kumawuhemaa has proverbially licked back her own vomit. It must be noted that she has prior to the pending chieftaincy disputation scornfully treated and tagged the Anananagyas and the Odumases as slaves. Her views about them were not only expressed verbally but also in writing. Much has been written about this so it does not necessitate any further reproduction. She, being of a slave descent, had the shameless audacity as a bigot, to allege that the matrilineal descendants of that famous Kumawuman warrior chief, Barima Tweneboa Kodua, are slaves. To her, it will be inane on her part to ever allow them to ascend to the Kumawu Kodua paramount Stool which though derives its name from, or takes after, Barima Tweneboa Kodua.

Anyway, not long ago, my conducted investigation revealed that Kumawuhemaa has overtly told some people as following: "I will give the paramount throne to any eligible royal who pays me One billion old Cedis (1,000,000,000 Cedis) in addition to signing an undertaking to giving me one-third of any money that comes into Kumawuman coffers" This is the sole non-negotiable condition on which she will let go the throne to any person other than her own intended candidate. To cross check my facts before making them public, I contacted one of her confidants for confirmation. This person also confirmed that once the following conversation ensued between them.

Question: (Q) Nana, don't you see that Kumawu is getting devastated without a chief? Answer: (A) I am very much aware of that but it is Nana Aduanahene who doesn't want me to install a new chief by bringing a court case against me. Q: Nana, why not try to get the case resolved quickly? A: Now, to me, there is no distinction between the royals. None of them can claim to be more genuine than the other. Whether you are from Ananangya, Ankaase or Odumase, we are all the same. I am ready to give the throne to any eligible royal member from Ananangya, Ankaase or Odumase provided the person will pay me or clear the debts I have incurred. I don't care any longer which royal gets the nod to become the next paramount chief. Q: Nana, what debt are you talking about? A: Court expenses incurred as a result of the mandatory injunction brought against me by Nana Aduanahene.

Kumawuhemaa by the conversation as narrated above has now come to recognize the eligibility and legitimacy of the Ananangyas and the Odumases as royals able to occupy the Kumawu Kodua Stool. This is where she is seen to be licking back her own disgorgement which is but anathema. You don't spit only to lick the sputum back in seconds but she has done exactly that. She had discarded the Ananangyas and the Odumases for allegedly being slaves. But the stone that the builder rejected eventually became the head corner stone.

Anyone who doubts the veracity of the latest status development of events as described above should please contact Kumawuhemaa for clarification. On the other hand, we can ascertain the truth of her proclaimed intentions by compelling her to walk down the path of the contents of one of Nana Ampadu's songs? This song featuring a character called Kofi Asante says, "Asem yie me nim ho hwee, na enso ye de ato me so. Me yi ma no........... (I know nothing about this case but I am accused of it. I can hardly put up any defence in attempt to exonerate myself....). The chief had come to trust Kofi Asante more than any other member of the palace household. This angered almost everyone. When it was discovered that one of the chief's linguists had stolen the chief's gold cup entrusted to Kofi Asante, purposely to bring about antagonism between the chief and Kofi Asante thereby incurring the chief's vehement wrath upon Kofi, it was said, "Se mo se me boa a, nsuo nie, semina nie, onnware ma yen nhwe" (Here is water, here is soap, let him bath in attempt to prove that I am lying….if he could). This particular act was similar to invoking calamity upon oneself when found to be lying but willingly or grudgingly succumbed to the challenge as thrown.

Was this supposed court debt incurred, not paid off with that 150 Million old Cedis Saanahene gave to her from that 860 Million old Cedis illegally withdrawn by Saanahene and Saamahene at her behest via Kontihene? This 150 Million old Cedis was stated by Saanahene as having gone towards offsetting Nana Hemaa's court cost. Or, she wants the likely successful royal-candidate to pay for all the money she has parted with as bribe to some chiefs, government functionaries etc with the view to influencing their decision? She is known to be contacting or contacted powerful judges, government officials and traditional leaders pleading with them to help her install a candidate of hers from the Ankaase royal family as the next Kumawu paramount chief. All her attempts have so far proved futile. No wonder that she has failed because God is in control.

Is Otumfuo aware of his girlfriend's intentions and demands? Is that part of the laid down procedure for installing a new Kumawuman paramount chief? How much is Asantehene's take from the money to be collected by Kumawuhemaa? Is Asantehene conniving with her to dupe Kumawuman? Where would the incoming chief, in case he is not the queen's envisaged choice, get the money from? How would the person pay back that money if he was not to steal from future Kumawuman kitty? I am sure Asantehene knows about this demand by the queen hence the delay tactics employed by both connivers to weaken the already poverty stricken Ananangyas and Odumases.

The answer to the solution without any further delay or any more nonsensicality is the hearing of the Asantehene's Great Oath (Ntamkese) so invoked on her. Anything short of that will encourage the queen to continue to hold the Ananangyas/Odumases to ransom. What is holding Asantehene back, Kumawuman citizens the world over want to know? Kumawuhemaa is asking for the stated price-tag with a written agreement to give her the one-third of any money coming into Kumawuman coffers before parting with the throne. But is the throne hers to sell? Truly, this woman is not only "sikadicious greedy bastard as Rawlings would say but a complete saboteur. In your view is she not sabotaging the development of Kumawuman? Is it how Asantehene intends to reward his girlfriend; through the infliction of punishment on Kumawuman people by allowing her to continually hold on to the throne as recalcitrant as she is? "Nsuo nie, samina nie, Asantehene nnware ma yen nhwe" if he was not colluding with his Kumawuhemaa-girlfriend to inflict daylight robbery on Kumawuman?

Woe betides any Anananagya or Odumase royal that panders to this vile demand of Kumawuhemaa. God has given the throne to you so go for it as fearless warriors. So far you have acted cowardly hence the queen and her Asantehene-boyfriend not only playing on your intelligence but taking you for absolute fools.

John Fosu

Columnist: Fosu, John