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Kwabena Agyepong’s Nonsense!!!

Mon, 21 Jul 2008 Source: Biakoye, Nana

If Akufo-Addo thinks that the likes of Kwabena Agyepong will help the ailing campaign of the NPP, then Akufo-Addo has wrong-footed himself.

Kwabena Agyepong is a man without honour, because of his extreme lying ways when he was in-charge of managing the PR of “His Royal Highness” John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo Bokassa Kufuor, and his re-emergence on the front bench of the NPP’s campaign is giving the NDC more votes by the day.

Kwabena Agyepong, Asamoah Boateng, Arthur “single one” Kennedy, and co, think that churning out lies is what will make them win the election but the more lies they manufacture, the more votes they lose because their lies are extremely unintelligent nauseating ones.

Kwabena Agyepong, last Friday on Peace FM’s Kokroko programme, manufactured one of his very unintelligent nauseating lies to the chagrin of even diehard NPP supporters.

Trying very hard to position Akufo-Addo as the best legal brain in Ghana, Kwabena Agyepong said that, the learned Professor Atta Mills can not match the legal pedigree of Akufo-Addo.

According to Kwabena Agyepong, Akufo-Addo’s chambers provided the likes of, Atta Akyea, Joe Ghartey, Akoto Ampaw and lots of lawyers the platform to cut their legal teeth and so Professor Mills cannot compare himself to Akufo-Addo.

Yes, that was the preposterous argument of a very discredited Kwabena Agyepong.

Kwabena Agyepong sought to ridicule the statement by the former First Lady to the effect that Akufo-Addo is not a lawyer but in the end, Kwabena ended up ridiculing himself.

It is a fact that Ataa Akyea, Joe Ghartey, Akoto Ampaw and co cut their teeth at the chambers of Akufo-Addo but the question is, how did those men become lawyers?

Was it Akufo-Addo who tutored them to become lawyers? Obviously not!

Kwabena Agyepong was so engrossed in is bigotry that he forgot that it was the learned Professor Mills who put legal brains in the likes of Joe Ghartey.

It is a fact that Joe Ghartey was a student of Professor Mills and no matter how hard Kwabena Agypong tries to rewrite history, he cannot rewrite the fact that lots of the NPP lawyers were Professor Mills’s students.

Indeed, the likes of Freddie Blay, Atta Akyea, Yoni Kulendi, Papa Owusu Ankoma, and Gloria Akufo, were all students of the learned Professor Mills and none of them can put their hand on their chest and say that the learned professor was not a good lecturer.

In fact, Allan Kyeremanteng, who Kwabena Agyepong and co worship like a god, was also a student of the learned Professor Mills at the School of Administration, University of Ghana, Legon.

In the case of Allan Kyeremanteng, he was actually Prof Mills’ tutorial student and Allan Kyeremanteng has a great deal of respect for the learned Professor Mills.

In fact, all Professor Mills’ students attest to the fact that the learned Professor Mills was a great lecturer.

So what small-minded argument was Kwabena Agyepong trying to make?

When the likes of Professor Mills, Tsatsu Tsikata, Professor E.V.O Dankwa, Fui Tsikata and co were engaging their minds as far as the study of law is concerned, where was Akufo-Addo?

Did Akufo-Addo not study Economics for his first degree, and got a very bad third class?

Yes, Akufo-Addo got a very bad third class.

Indeed, were competition keen in those days as it is today, Akufo-Addo would have ended up with a horrible pass.

He, Kwabena Agyepong, what is his pedigree as an engineer?

When the names of accomplished civil engineers are being mentioned in Ghana, there is no way the name of Kwabena Agyepong will appear anywhere near the first 500.

And it is this arrogant and lying Kwabena Agypong, who wants to question the legal brains of the learned Professor Atta Mills? Ah! Ah! Ah!

Kwabena Agyepong’s former boss, “His Royal Highness” John Agyekum Kofi Diawuo Bokassa Iddi Amin Kufuor, is supposed to be a lawyer; what is Kufuor’s standing as far as the legal profession is concerned?

It is sad that the likes of Kwabena Agyepong live in very fragile glass houses, but consistently throw rocks at the brick houses of others.

If Akufo-Addo’s chambers has some contrived image as far as the legal profession is concerned, it is because most of the lawyers who operated there and continue to operate there, were well tutored in law by the learned Professor Atta Mills.

Does Kwabena Agyepong not know that the whole world is aware of the gargantuan potholes in the CV of Akufo-Addo?

There are lots of potholes in the CV of Akufo-Addo and in the coming days, we will do a detailed and critical analysis of Akufo-Addo’s CV.

Does Kwabena Agyepong not know that the whole world knows that Akufo-Addo attempted to school in Oxford but was thrown out after he repeatedly failed his exams?

Yes, Akufo-Addo started university education in Oxford, was thrown out for failing his exams, before he came to Ghana to get a bad third class in economics.

If Akufo-Addo says that what I am putting out are fabrications, I am daring him and his goon army to come out immediately and prove to me that I am lying.

Akufo-Addo has a questionable educational background and there is no doubt about it.

There is no doubt that Akufo-Addo is a lawyer, because the General Legal Council has certificated him to practice law but it does not take away the fact that he was thrown out of Oxford University as well as the fact that he had a bad third class in economics.

As for the bit about Akufo-Addo being a sharper legal brain than the learned Fullbright Scholar, Professor Atta Mills, it only exists in the obtuse mind of people like Kwabena Agyepong.

By the way, if Akufo-Addo is such a germ in the legal profession, can Kwabena Agyepong tell us why after so many attempts, Akufo-Addo was never voted by his colleague lawyers to become the president of the Ghana Bar Association?

Kwabena Agyepong is most definitely making a nuisance of himself and if Akufo-Addo wants to get even 30% at the polls, he must quickly relegate Kwabena Agypong to the background just has he has, the likes of Gabby Otchere Darko.

Kwabena Agypong has soiled his pants badly as far as wanting to pitch the astute legal mind of the learned Professor Mills against that of Akufo-Addo, and no amount of detergent and air refreshers will take away the stinking odour that Kwabena has enmeshed himself in.

Email: nanabiakoye2@yahoo.com

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana