
Kwasi Pratt Abandons His "Children" For Money.

Sat, 25 Jun 2011 Source: Asare, Noah Dugubrame

Kwasi Pratt has exposed himself and showed off why he was vigorously marching the streets of Accra in the pretext of fighting for the poor and needy. In the pretext of fighting against the alleged hardships Kuffours NPP was bringing upon his children (the ordinary man). Kwasi Pratt joined forces with the likes of Asiedu Nketia, NDC general secretary and others under the guise of CJA to pressurise, blackmail and destroy the then ruling party NPP. Immediately after the NPP went out of power the CJA and Kwasi Pratt have refused to exist. Kwasi Pratt by his action has made Ghanaians know that all the noise and red bandages on his head and wrists was not because Ghanains were in hardship, but the CJA was just a medium he could use to show his "masters" he was doing the job not only on radio but also on the streets.

Before the end of the reign of former Pres. John Agyekum Kuffour, Kwasi Pratt was in my mind one of the advocates for the poor and needy. Kwasi Pratt among other things consistently demonstrated side by side with General Mosquito on increases in fuel prices, increase in utility bills, high cost of living and many other issues. President Mills on his campaign platform lied to all Ghanaians when he promised to reduce fuel prices "drastically". He (pres Mills) came to power and increased same drastically. All I heard pratt do was, giving vain threats which he never carried out.

From the doorsteps of Kwasi Pratt to any part of Ghana Pratt goes to, the poor he said he and his CJA stands for are now crying the more because of the increase in utility tariffs, fuel prices (even when Ghana is having oil now), high cost of living, the unstable current flow, lack of portable water right in the Capital Accra, the breakdown of Health Insurance, the mismanagement of School feeding program and many other difficulties Ghanaians are facing. Kwasi Pratt has suddenly become dumb and his Committee for Joint Action (CJA) has refused to exist, what hypocrisy.

Kwasi Pratt has told Ghanaians who he really is. A propagander journalist for NDC. Immagine Pratt calling our politicians iseless people, and before he made his point he narrowed politicians to refer to only those of the opposition New Patriotic Party. He specifically mentioned NPP activists as the people who do not understand issues. Deductively it was the NPP activists he was calling useless and not all politicians. Who is more useless than a lawyer who accepts the case of the poor and needy, promising to handle it, even if it takes his life and once the accused is changed he stop following the case. Kwasi Pratt has abundoned his clients (the poor and needy) and is rather defending the opressive rich (NDC). Maybe he is no more hungry like his clients are, so he doesnt see thier worry, pain and trouble. FONKAR and its leaders have claimed that Mr Pratt has been well fed by his Masters (NDC) so I believe it could be the reason he wont put on the red bandages again. If that is not the case, how will you demonstrate against a government that was able to achieve the Millenium goal against poverty and hunger in less than the estimated UN period and allow the one that has brought up the percentage of the very poor Ghanaian from 18% low to 30% high in just two years?

i hear his clients wail in the streets. "Why have you stopped demonstrating when cost of living is increasing by the pass of any day, Mr Pratt. Where is the CJA? Fuel prices are more than high. Kwasi pratt, we cant pay the bills, they are too high, why are you far from us? The taxes are too much our businesses are collapsing". All these have reached neiher the ears of Kwasi Pratt nor his CJA.

Citizens of Ghana who have not been catered for decided not to join robbers but to buy and sell and feed themselves and their families. NDC decended upon them like criminals, beating some, arresting others, seazing and burning the goods of others, one had his ear ripped of others even lost their lives. Some had serious injuries whilst others have been rendered bakrupt for good. Mr Pratt, the same who hit the streets when people were being chased away from Tema Station and Accra central is silent because as Kofi Adam put it "his bread has been buttered".

Mr Pratt has exposed himself to the whole Ghana that he is never anything of all what he says but a man in disguise as journalist and a non partizan pressure group leader who is working for a particular pary the NDC. Not the whole party though, for the side of Uncle Atta. He had time to demonstrate against France and the West for arresting Gbagbo and attacking Geddafe, a demonstration he knew will bring no results whilst many things happened to his clients unattended to. Kwasi Pratt has clearly shown all he is doing is because of what he is seeking from NDC. The "butter for his bread" or "the money he has received".

Kwasi Pratt if you are really what you want us to believe then please mobilise your CJA, i know you wont get that "Mosquito" he is busy sucking blood at Bui selling a low quality block at double the normal price to a national project. Contractors are buying the blocks under duress and he (the Mosquito) is busy building mansions all over the country. Mobilise them and demonstrate against the increase in fuel prices, against the increase in premise fuel price, against the increased cost of living, against the NHIC which is no more able to take care of our poor. Kwasi Pratt take your red bandages and demonstrate because we can no more pay our children's school fees. Do it or forever be silent.

Noah Dugubrame Asare

Frankfurt, Germany.

Columnist: Asare, Noah Dugubrame