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KSM Under Seige

Thu, 9 Sep 2004 Source: Lens

Kweku Sintim Misah has revealed that apart from the NDC, two other political parties have tried to get him to be part of their campaign teams, but he turned them down.

The Lens can reveal that KSM, as he is affectionately called, was a very key part of the NPP's communications team during the 1996 elections.

KSM, one of the most consistent critics of government, be it the NDC or the NPP government, has refused to jump on the NPP gravy train and has maintained his independence of thought, which has endeared him to people of all shades of political opinion in the country, therefore giving him an unassailable credibility that makes his criticism of government policies very telling on government.

Various forms of pressures have been brought to bear on him, including the withdrawal of his licence to operate an FM station, just to get him to 'play ball', but he has consistently stood his ground.

Unable to get KSM to 'play ball' with them, the next strategy was to link KSM to the NDC, in the hope that such linkage would destroy his credibility and make his criticism of the policies of the Kufuor administration appear like politically motivated.

When President Rawlings, in recognition of his honesty and objectivity, invited KSM to be present at his (Prez. Rwalings') encounter with the Police CID, it was mischievously presented in the pro NPP press in a manner the sought to suggest that KSM is a Rawlings confidante.

Surprisingly, when KSM was giving the NPP the benefit of his professional capabilities, it was not an issue then, however as soon as it appears that he may be giving the same professional services to the NDC, then that must be made into an issue so that he can be tagged as NDC and hopefully destroy his credibility.

Meanwhile KSM, apparently aware of that the NPP would not spare him if he were seen on a Prof. Mills campaign team, has graciously declined the invitation to be on the campaign team, much to the relief and joy of the NPP.

Source: Lens