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Law School SRC race: Otting has the experience to lead

Daniel Otting Daniel Otting is emerging as the frontrunner in the Law School SRC presidential race

Mon, 29 Apr 2024 Source: Cecil Mensah

Daniel Otting, a former University of Ghana SRC President, is emerging as the frontrunner in the Law School SRC presidential race, with strong support from various student groups endorsing his vision.

As the Law School prepares to elect its new SRC administration in less than a week, students are emphasizing the importance of choosing a president with both experience and character to lead the student body effectively.

Barima Sarpong, a student, emphasized the significance of experience and character in leadership, particularly in roles as crucial as that of the SRC President.

He pointed out Otting's previous experience as the University of Ghana SRC President during the 2017/2018 academic year, highlighting his proven leadership capabilities.

Mr Sarpong also praised Otting's character, describing him as honest, humble, respectful, and responsible, qualities essential for navigating sensitive decisions and rival interests within the student body.

Mr Ransford Kwame Biney echoed similar sentiments, urging his fellow students to vote for Mr Otting based on his experience, vision, integrity, and approachability.

He cited Otting's track record of dedication, passion, and commitment to serving student bodies, emphasizing his ability to effectively represent student interests and address relevant issues.

Mr Biney emphasized Otting's clear vision for the Law School, his commitment to transparency and accountability, and his accessibility to all students, qualities that make him a suitable candidate for SRC President.

In conclusion, students are rallying behind Mr Daniel Otting, recognizing his experience, integrity, and dedication, and urging their peers to vote for him to lead them towards a brighter and more inclusive future at the Law School.

Columnist: Cecil Mensah