
Law and Religion promoted homosexuality

Gay People In Zimbabwe Face Widespread Stigma File photo

Mon, 8 Mar 2021 Source: Mark Luu

Recently there has been so much talk of homosexuality on our airwaves

Pastors, Imams, politicians and quiet recently lawyers have come out to condemn the rapid spread of same-sex relationship in our societies.

Like farming practices, we don’t usually clear weeds, by unplugging leaves; we rather aim at the roots.

To understand why there has been a rapid spread of same-sex relationship, we must first look at what caused such situation to flourish.

Could it be our own doings? or was it caused by evil emerging spirits, that has taken over Mother Earth?

Before we rush to blame evil spirits, let’s carefully look at our so-called civilization.

Our legal system is mostly inherited from Roman culture.

Most of our legal terms still remain Latin.

Actus reus - a guilty act.

Mens rea - guilty mind.

Roman culture greatly influenced our perception of what constitutes right or wrong.

When it comes to sexually, our legal system equally looked up to Roman culture.

In Ancient Rome, “real man “dominated in the bedroom as he did on the battlefield. He would have sex with his slaves whether they were male or female; he would have homosexual encounters even while married; He was strong, muscular, and. Society looked down on him only when he appeared weak or soft.” they understood a respectable man would express his dominance by having sex with other men.

Women were therefore for “weaker men."

The strong and powerful, including the emperor, realized that large numbers of children are being fathered by the poor since they were the ones engaged in sexual relationship with women.

To stop the poor from having many children, they came up with their own law, which came to be known as The Adultery law.

Defined as Sex with the opposite sex while married.

Adultery in our legal books today is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse during the subsistence of a marriage between one spouse and a person of the opposite sex who is not the other spouse. It is sufficient in both England and Scotland to constitute the ground of divorce.

The rise of feminist power coupled with the high price men bear, when their ordinance marriage collapse due to adultery, makes them find same-sex sexual partners instead of sexual partners of the opposite sex.

In the UK, a woman hit the headlines in 2015 after discovering her husband of 20 years had been having sexual relations with men, but she had no grounds for divorce.

This is because; the sexual affair did not happen with the opposite sex. It, therefore, fell short of the definition of legal adultery.

Organized religion did not also help. They equally put the definition of biblical adultery aside and went along with western definition.

The Hebrew Bible, the mother and foundation of all Abrahamic religions, defines Adultery as sex with an engaged or married woman.

This gave men the right to have more than one sexual partner with the opposite sex, as long as the other partner or partners were not already married.

A classic example is David.

He had several wives and concubines, but committed adultery only when he went for someone wife.

Most notably men who diligently served God were polygamous and even had concubines.

Jacob, the father of Israel, the chosen nation of The Creator, had his 12 sons with 4 women. Two were wives and two maids.

God’s own laws, clearly regulated polygamy.

Leviticus 18:18

18 “‘Do not take your wife’s sister as a rival wife and have sexual relations with her while your wife is living.

Exodus 21:10

If he takes an additional wife, he must not reduce the food, clothing, or marital rights of the first wife.

Deuteronomy 24:5

When a man taketh a new wife, he shall not go out in the host, neither shall he be charged with any business; he shall be free for his house one year, and shall cheer his wife whom he hath taken.

The above verse has been deliberately misinterpreted in most modern western Bibles to suggest taking a new wife is the same as a man getting married for the first time. The Hebrew Bible makes it clear, that this reward of absence of duty has to do with taking additional wife. The verse ends with the wife he has taken, suggesting there are other wives earlier.

Leverage marriage

Deuteronomy 25:5–10, under which the brother of a man who dies without children is required to marry the widow, in respective of he is already married or not.

Genesis 38

Onan was slain by God. His death was retribution for being "evil in the sight of the Lord" and disobeying a direct order from the Lord by being unwilling to father a child by his widowed sister-in-law.

In Matthew 22:23-33, Jesus upheld and even explain leverage marriage.

Men naturally have higher sex drive. To assume a man sexual desires must be equated to the needs of one woman cannot be acceptable.

Scientists claim, for men to be healthy and free from prostate cancer, etc, they need to have about twenty-five ejaculations a month. It will therefore be unthinkable, that one partner will be enough for such.

The western world has become full-on men, who must complement their sexual needs by taking turns either being penetrated or they penetrating other men.

Those who could not be drifted to such lifestyles have become serial monogamists.

Divorce rates hover around 65% in first 7 years of marriage.

Notable men like Larry King, Nicolas Cage, Trump, Boris etc, have had more than 4 previous marriages.

Lots of women have become divorced with children, forcing them to find solace in lesbianism.

Until we offload ourselves of forced monogamy, men will either end up being serial monogamists or gays.

Homosexuality for many western men is nothing but a forced adaptation.

Let’s not wait till this happens here.

Just like homosexuality is not our culture, so is forced monogamy. Married men should be allowed to have additional wives, especially after 10 years of their first marriage. This will solve the high divorce rate. Also, lots of ladies will get the opportunity to be married.

The baby mamas, main and fake side chicks will all get opportunities of becoming wives.

Single motherhood will greatly reduce since there will be no need for serial monogamy.

The church, must not act holier than thou. Lots of men in robes are themselves divorced or having extramarital affairs.

Some denominations that claim to be celibates, have over 30% being homosexuals and have higher death from HIV than the general population.

We also know lawyers are least to have ordinance marriage because of the fear of divorce.

Playing the ostrich will only make things worse in the near future.

Columnist: Mark Luu
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