
Leader with a heart: Frimpong Boateng

Frimpong Boateng

Fri, 14 Dec 2007 Source: Owoo, Harry


As we search for successor who will take over? from President Kufour? we must be mindful of the ? calibre of person we want to lead this nation, this calls ? for a sober reflection.

? Ghanaians ? have tested NDC and NPP? for ? almost ? 16 years? and they have seen the difference between the two parties,? what most people have come to realize ? is that politicians are always the same in whatever they aspire to be , and today we have seen more candidates ? vying for the presidency , the question we must all ask ourselves ? is, what kind of? leader are ? we looking? for to ? lead this great? nation, are we looking for a leader who is popular , rich, eloquent ? These ? of course are good attributes but this alone cannot make one? a good leader.

All great leaders are not always popular nor eloquent? or rich when you compared Moses and Aaron if these two people were to contest for leadership position at that time as we are experiencing now there is no way Moses could ever have been a leader to lead the Israelites ? as compared to Aaron , when you assess the two of them critically in terms of eloquence Aaron is far better than Moses who was stammerer ? and low speech , in terms of popularity Aaron is more known ? by the people because he has been with them? through out their suffering? unlike Moses who fled from Egypt for almost 40 years , but God chose Moses instead of Aaron the reason being that Moses has the heart of Passion and very humble| these are qualities ? of good leadership who will always serve rather than being served , and Professor Frimpong- Boateng has demonstrated ? that passion , he loved his country and sacrificed ? all the? benefits and money he will get for practicing his profession? overseas ,he chose to come home and identify himself with his mother land? and we are? all? witnesses to what he has done at? Korle-bu

Many people just? don’t understand why Professor Frimpong Boateng ? wants to leave Korle-Bu to join politics because they see politics as a dirty game , the question is why didn’t the same ? people question his wisdom? and decision to leave all the good things he will get? if he practiced ? his profession overseas and rather ? chose? to come to developing country like Ghana where ? life may not be rosy? as compared to the developed country where he came from , when others doctors? who have been? ? trained with the tax payers money are abandoning ? their mother land to go to other countries ? to practice their profession just because they want? ? better condition of service .

Indeed Professor Frimpong - Boateng has ? the heart of passion to serve his people and he has ? a reason to be the president of Ghana? because he has some passion to move this nation forward, to quote him, he said he believes ? in science and technology as the tool for development? because according to him science? is the factor accounting? for the difference between? developing? countries and? ? ? developed ones? and that the poverty gap is essential a technological gap which is a fact.?

Today India and China? have ? moved from ? the? poverty gap despite their high population? explosion .These countries? adopted and embraced? ? science and? technology as the tool to propel their countries forward ? and we are? enjoying their fruits of science and technology,for ? example are the TATA salon cars and Buses which we could have equally ? produced ? here in Ghana if we also adopted ? science and technology , this is ? exactly what Professor Frimpong -Boateng ? is saying which he has ? used to convince people. He has started this on his own ,he said ’I don’t talk about it , I do it , right now I produce my own biodiesel to fuel my vehicles? and I have a machines tool centre at the Tema ? Free Zone and my work ? as a heart surgeon which is hi –tech will propel me on to do greater things for Ghana. He went on further to say we can develop a machine tool centre within? a year, something he has already started on his own , then start manufacturing small machines parts? and develop the capacity to make implements’, this is a? practical leader with a passion ,it is not about popularity, wealth or titles, but a leader with workable solutions, vision and? an ? achiever. Yes? he wants ? to see the prosperity of this great nation which he believes ? with the help of God he can do it.

Which of the aspirants can boast of such achievements in terms of demonstration of ability in solving problems ,? ? really ? talk is cheap but deeds are difficult,? we need ? a leader with that Passion to perform , as leaders such as Winston Churchill of Great Britain, ? Mathir of Malaysia and other Asian countries? such as Singapore, China all these ? nations ,have leaders with Passion to change the destinies of their countries. ?

Indeed? many are called but only few (in this ? case) one person will be chosen and that person is Professor Frimpong Boateng.?

It is ? time that ? Ghanaians ? must look beyond parties affiliation and look at the persons who have shown interest? to lead this nation in terms of their desire. What is that desire? ? Is it because they have served ? longer in a party so they deserve to become presidents ? Is it because they are more popular than others ? so they have the right to become presidents ? ? Is ? it because they have invested so much money in their party so they deserve to become presidents ? Is it because they have served? the party all these ? years so they deserve to become presidents ? ? Please what is that desire that is moving these aspirants? who want? to become presidents . There is some desire in all these aspirants , but a critical examination? of their reason of wanting to become a president stems ? from? ? their popularity and financial contribution to the party , ? but as I stated earlier on, we want leaders with the heart of Passion to serve us, leaders we can trust , a leader who can turn this country around? to be at par with other developed countries ,? those who are selfless? and dedicated, humble, God fearing? and ? a strong passion to serve their ? people , I believe Professor Frimpong? ? Boateng has that passion. After 50 years of independence Ghana has not achieved ? much in terms of economic development , this stems from lack of strong leadership with the heart of passion to change the destiny of this country. Professor Frimpong Boateng has identified? this? gap in leadership in this country? and has opted to change this malady? just as he did at Korle- Bu, he has proven it through various? ventures he has undertaken as an entrepreneur: in farming, industrialist in bio diesel production, these are some of the achievements ? of a leader with? the heart of ? ? passion to change the destiny of this nation. To quote President Kufour interview with BBC recently in London he said ‘he entered ? into politics with the aim to serve his country to the best of his ability and went on to? say? the challenges confronting ? the ? country? under his administration? were? leadership since it was a stepping ? stone to any national transformation? at ? this cross road of our dear country. Fifty (50) years of independence we need a great transformation and it will take a leader with the heart of passion to transform this country . Professor Frimpong-Boateng ? has demonstrated that he has what it takes? to do that . As ? stated earlier on , it is not popularity and who has served longer in the party, or? contributed financially , that Ghanaians are looking for ,what they need is a leader with passion to move this nation forward? because one can be popular or contributed financially but that does not make one a good leader. It therefore behoves on the delegates to be mindful of this in their selection of a flag bearer to lead the party and Ghana as? ? a whole even though some of the aspirants may be more popular than others ? within the rank and file of the party ? members ,but the electorate may have different opinion about them .Ghanaians ? are discerning people? and they will surely vote for someone they can trust, someone ? who has ? that heart for passion to address our problems which Professor Frimpong - Boateng has demonstrated, the evidence is clear ,he is the exceptional? candidate among the aspirants .? ?

Story by Harry Owoo
Development Planning Practitioner
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Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.


As we search for successor who will take over? from President Kufour? we must be mindful of the ? calibre of person we want to lead this nation, this calls ? for a sober reflection.

? Ghanaians ? have tested NDC and NPP? for ? almost ? 16 years? and they have seen the difference between the two parties,? what most people have come to realize ? is that politicians are always the same in whatever they aspire to be , and today we have seen more candidates ? vying for the presidency , the question we must all ask ourselves ? is, what kind of? leader are ? we looking? for to ? lead this great? nation, are we looking for a leader who is popular , rich, eloquent ? These ? of course are good attributes but this alone cannot make one? a good leader.

All great leaders are not always popular nor eloquent? or rich when you compared Moses and Aaron if these two people were to contest for leadership position at that time as we are experiencing now there is no way Moses could ever have been a leader to lead the Israelites ? as compared to Aaron , when you assess the two of them critically in terms of eloquence Aaron is far better than Moses who was stammerer ? and low speech , in terms of popularity Aaron is more known ? by the people because he has been with them? through out their suffering? unlike Moses who fled from Egypt for almost 40 years , but God chose Moses instead of Aaron the reason being that Moses has the heart of Passion and very humble| these are qualities ? of good leadership who will always serve rather than being served , and Professor Frimpong- Boateng has demonstrated ? that passion , he loved his country and sacrificed ? all the? benefits and money he will get for practicing his profession? overseas ,he chose to come home and identify himself with his mother land? and we are? all? witnesses to what he has done at? Korle-bu

Many people just? don’t understand why Professor Frimpong Boateng ? wants to leave Korle-Bu to join politics because they see politics as a dirty game , the question is why didn’t the same ? people question his wisdom? and decision to leave all the good things he will get? if he practiced ? his profession overseas and rather ? chose? to come to developing country like Ghana where ? life may not be rosy? as compared to the developed country where he came from , when others doctors? who have been? ? trained with the tax payers money are abandoning ? their mother land to go to other countries ? to practice their profession just because they want? ? better condition of service .

Indeed Professor Frimpong - Boateng has ? the heart of passion to serve his people and he has ? a reason to be the president of Ghana? because he has some passion to move this nation forward, to quote him, he said he believes ? in science and technology as the tool for development? because according to him science? is the factor accounting? for the difference between? developing? countries and? ? ? developed ones? and that the poverty gap is essential a technological gap which is a fact.?

Today India and China? have ? moved from ? the? poverty gap despite their high population? explosion .These countries? adopted and embraced? ? science and? technology as the tool to propel their countries forward ? and we are? enjoying their fruits of science and technology,for ? example are the TATA salon cars and Buses which we could have equally ? produced ? here in Ghana if we also adopted ? science and technology , this is ? exactly what Professor Frimpong -Boateng ? is saying which he has ? used to convince people. He has started this on his own ,he said ’I don’t talk about it , I do it , right now I produce my own biodiesel to fuel my vehicles? and I have a machines tool centre at the Tema ? Free Zone and my work ? as a heart surgeon which is hi –tech will propel me on to do greater things for Ghana. He went on further to say we can develop a machine tool centre within? a year, something he has already started on his own , then start manufacturing small machines parts? and develop the capacity to make implements’, this is a? practical leader with a passion ,it is not about popularity, wealth or titles, but a leader with workable solutions, vision and? an ? achiever. Yes? he wants ? to see the prosperity of this great nation which he believes ? with the help of God he can do it.

Which of the aspirants can boast of such achievements in terms of demonstration of ability in solving problems ,? ? really ? talk is cheap but deeds are difficult,? we need ? a leader with that Passion to perform , as leaders such as Winston Churchill of Great Britain, ? Mathir of Malaysia and other Asian countries? such as Singapore, China all these ? nations ,have leaders with Passion to change the destinies of their countries. ?

Indeed? many are called but only few (in this ? case) one person will be chosen and that person is Professor Frimpong Boateng.?

It is ? time that ? Ghanaians ? must look beyond parties affiliation and look at the persons who have shown interest? to lead this nation in terms of their desire. What is that desire? ? Is it because they have served ? longer in a party so they deserve to become presidents ? Is it because they are more popular than others ? so they have the right to become presidents ? ? Is ? it because they have invested so much money in their party so they deserve to become presidents ? Is it because they have served? the party all these ? years so they deserve to become presidents ? ? Please what is that desire that is moving these aspirants? who want? to become presidents . There is some desire in all these aspirants , but a critical examination? of their reason of wanting to become a president stems ? from? ? their popularity and financial contribution to the party , ? but as I stated earlier on, we want leaders with the heart of Passion to serve us, leaders we can trust , a leader who can turn this country around? to be at par with other developed countries ,? those who are selfless? and dedicated, humble, God fearing? and ? a strong passion to serve their ? people , I believe Professor Frimpong? ? Boateng has that passion. After 50 years of independence Ghana has not achieved ? much in terms of economic development , this stems from lack of strong leadership with the heart of passion to change the destiny of this country. Professor Frimpong Boateng has identified? this? gap in leadership in this country? and has opted to change this malady? just as he did at Korle- Bu, he has proven it through various? ventures he has undertaken as an entrepreneur: in farming, industrialist in bio diesel production, these are some of the achievements ? of a leader with? the heart of ? ? passion to change the destiny of this nation. To quote President Kufour interview with BBC recently in London he said ‘he entered ? into politics with the aim to serve his country to the best of his ability and went on to? say? the challenges confronting ? the ? country? under his administration? were? leadership since it was a stepping ? stone to any national transformation? at ? this cross road of our dear country. Fifty (50) years of independence we need a great transformation and it will take a leader with the heart of passion to transform this country . Professor Frimpong-Boateng ? has demonstrated that he has what it takes? to do that . As ? stated earlier on , it is not popularity and who has served longer in the party, or? contributed financially , that Ghanaians are looking for ,what they need is a leader with passion to move this nation forward? because one can be popular or contributed financially but that does not make one a good leader. It therefore behoves on the delegates to be mindful of this in their selection of a flag bearer to lead the party and Ghana as? ? a whole even though some of the aspirants may be more popular than others ? within the rank and file of the party ? members ,but the electorate may have different opinion about them .Ghanaians ? are discerning people? and they will surely vote for someone they can trust, someone ? who has ? that heart for passion to address our problems which Professor Frimpong - Boateng has demonstrated, the evidence is clear ,he is the exceptional? candidate among the aspirants .? ?

Story by Harry Owoo
Development Planning Practitioner
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Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Owoo, Harry