
Legalize Military And Police Accoutrements For Public Use

Wed, 19 Aug 2015 Source: Azindoo, China

By: Azindoo, China

We are now in the mordern world , where everything is made easier for public but in Ghana things are still done like in the colonial days.Ghana still holds to its strict laws banning people from dressing in military and police uniforms. It's not the best at this time in the 21st century, when most countries allow their citizens to have a taste of those uniforms and accoutrements. Ghana should therefore not lag behind and do same by lifting the ban.

Many countries have allowed it, such as the US, Britain, China etc, where laws are strict and working . Many people in China including my good self are free to don it, whereby in my country it's a hell to put on anything which resembles military or police equipment.

These accoutrements are prototypes or models and not the ones the military really wear. Ghanaians can use this opportunity to make money by sewing those uniforms. It's an economic venture where our people can earn something.

The fear for people to use it for nefarious activities can't hold water now in the 21st century,when we can find other means to easily apprehend culprits.

I urge the ministry of defence, to make some moves and change its stands banning public use of military and police accoutrements and put it to Parliament for consideration, if it involves going to Parliament for amendment, so that an end will be put to it. Ghanaians also deserve to be wearing and dressing in such colorful dresses.

It's time to legalize it. It's time for Ghanaians to have a taste of prototype accoutrements no delay.

Columnist: Azindoo, China