
Let patriots rise and be counted

Tue, 27 May 2014 Source: Tamakloe, Kojo

The failure of African entrepreneurship as NPP” chickens” bare their teeth

On 21st May I posted an article under this heading . Unfortunately it was met with tribal diatribe . I believe in my analysis I was fair pointing out what the various organizations have tried in the past . Of course some worked and others did not . Experience is learning from the past so you do not make the same mistakes in future. I also accept what Ace Ankomah said that life should be a continual process of learning. Ghana has been “independent” for 57 years and in that period we have made some headway and at the same time has had failings . What have we learned and what do we need to unlearn?

NPP wants power . The NPP tells us constantly the present government is incompetent and it should be voted out . To me it is like you drive a car and some one says I have another car . The first question will be what can it do and will it be better ? Then I want to know how it performed in the past . Would I be selling myself short or will I have value for money .? This is why the NPP is under scrutiny . That is why I have tried to bring out their history when they have been in control to project what to expect . Unfortunately our problem now is economic and if the NDC is failing , then what will we expect from an NPP government ? It turned out to be a battle of tribal insults . Let me say straight away, I am not deterred by such . I am “Togolese” , or” trokosi”,i so what ?Is it you who has to tell me who or what I am? . I know it already. If you are proud of your heritage what makes you think I am ashamed of mine?. Is it not a shame we have people like Sterling among us? Does calling me names stop the slide of the Cedi that affects all of us? You see as I write an American company AT& T has just bought another one for $50bn .Ashgold mines is collapsing in Obuasi , who is going to bale it? As a Ghanaian do you have that kind of money as opposed to me from Togo? Why are we all doing security jobs, washing dishes and looking after old men and women abroad.? Why were you among the 33 Ghanaians slaughtered in the Gambia?Why are we both dying trying to cross into Italy ?When you rejoice about “Aliens Compliance order”, do you rejoice about” Ghana must go”? 1million of us were involved . JJ “ the mad butcher” ensured transportation to safety. Do we see Europeans expelling each other ? You see some of these guys cannot see that when you have a Zebra the whites stripes die with the black ones . NPP thinks they can shoot one side dead and still live. All die together . Think again

So what was I advocating or rather Dr Amoako, which I agree with ? DEPTH D = diversity E==Exports, P= Productivity, T = technology and H = Humanity

Diversity is the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, In our case we move from dependence on cocoa and add other products . Any one in finance knows the saying “ do not put all your eggs in one basket” . Thus if you invest in ice cream which sells ell in summer , you would be advised to invest in mackintosh as that sells well in winter . So either African countries merge their economies and use a common currency or each produce a quantum of other products that will act as insulation in times of fluctuations . Will that create jobs and stabilize the cedi? Obuasi will die without mining because we have not added other industries

1. Exports Definition of 'Export'. A function of international trade whereby goods produced in one country are shipped to another country for future sale When we sell to others they pay in dollars so our stock of dollars will go up That way the Cedi will firm . There is AGOA , the African Growth Opportunity Act which enables African countries to export other items for the US market . One of the offices is in Accra, Ghana. How far have we taken advantage and should be not be discussing this?

Productivity An economic measure of output per unit of input. Inputs include labor and capital, while output is typically measured in revenues . So the more we produce per unit of input the better. The surprise is that with our low labor costs we have not had more re location of manufacturing units . We should ask why ? May I ask if we export more what effect it will have on our prosperity.? Will it help to pay the debts and stabilize the Cedi?

Technology the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problems. : We have problems of corruption and maintenance and would this not solve part of the problem ? Then will it not impact on productivity . Is KNUST sleeping or it should take the lead . We stand 20 out of 21 counties. Is there not room for improvement ? Will technology not improve productivity which will make the goods cheaper and of high quality?

Human, any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values, and dignity predominate. It ties with the above four into making life comfortable for the residents . Better food security, knowledge ability, .better housing , sanitation, and opportunities leading to social mobility . Every thing depends on the Human resource. We lost a great deal when there was mass emigration . “ The chicken run” This resulted in what is referred to as “ the brain drain” . So we should make the effort to re attract some of these super brains. How many jobs have Steve Job not created ?

So why is the NPP kicking against these with insults . As I have asked before, what is their stand on issues like GMO.? That impacts on our nutrition and health . Why the silence?

What is the stand of NPP on EPA ? CPP has come out BOLDLY , but from NPP there is silence. How will NPP solve galamsey, that is devastating the countryside. Apart from de foliation , de forestation, the rivers and water bodies are being polluted . Cyanide is very toxic . That kills the fish which reduces our available protein and we have to import to create a balance . Three and half million Sub Sahara Africans suffer from stunted growth, Kwashiorkor due to malnutrition and lack of protein . That impacts on a Health budget

What is the stand of NPP on Climatic change . This is a real threat . Supposing it hit the our neighbors first will their KKK faction welcome them. If it hits Ghana first what then? Can the NPP say they are for the common person or just for insults or denigration

To some of us the discussion is incomplete .Out of it should come ACTION, being tactical, medium term and long term which should be sustainable. Ghana has many resources which are not being used . The next stage should be to draw an action plan under the SMART principle . Specific, measurable, achievable realistic and time bound . It should not be left to have been a “talk shop”. Ghanaians have pulled themselves from the bootstrap in the 60s and again the 90s . It is my belief with total mobilization it can happen again. We have the road map . Let us follow it

Forward ever , backward never

The writer Kojo Tamakloe is a Pan Africanist , who believes a United Africa is the solution to Africa’s under development




Columnist: Tamakloe, Kojo