
Let’s stop the overly attack of our past leaders

Mon, 22 Jul 2013 Source: Abdulai, Alhasan

Comments being made publicly by notable figures in Ghana about former Presidents’, Ministers and other public office holders leave much to be desired indeed to some extent frightening. In view of the effect of those comments on those concerned I wonder whether this nation is worth dying for. Those making the comments may mean well but the forums they choose to make those comments and the twists sometimes put on their thoughts often betray their true intentions. How come that Mr. Kwesi Pratt the Managing Editor of the Insight Newspaper say Dr Mensah Otabil might be suffering from high fever for calling for national prayers against a looming danger to Ghana soon? It’s just like saying all Christians who speak in tongues are mad courtesy Dr Tony Aidoo. This is unbelievable. Criticisms are good in any true democracy. However it’s Constructive critics who help in public debates thereby helping to call attention of leading figures to sit up. Therefore we need to weigh and consider the words we use on our own people especially those in high offices. Apart from my good friend Kwesi Pratt, Charles Kofi wayo also descended on Osafo Marfo as incompetent Minister of Finance in the Kufuors Regime. The Leader and Founder of the United Renaissance Party (URP) with his office in the Nima Market lashed out at Mr. Yaw Osafo Marfo, describing him as a “character” that lacks the economic intellect and prowess ……. Much as he catalogued what he considered the bad side of Mr. Osafo Marfo he failed to state some good things he did under the government of Mr. Kufuor. Mr. Osafo Marfo was in government when Mr. Kufuor raised the Economic bar of the county to the middle income level and embarked on infrastructural developments including road networks the Bui Hydro Project and many more. If the pronouncements of the two gentlemen are in bad taste the statement made by Dr Arthur Kennedy about what he termed as big mistakes by Dr Busia while in government is bad. How does he consider the aliens compliance order that required non Ghanaians to get registered as non citizens as bad? Does he say that Ghanaians and other nationals in other countries like the United States and Britain don’t need to apply for residence permits on arrival? Does he know how the Chinese nationals being deported now found themselves in Ghana in their large numbers illegally and why they are being deported? Even if Dr Kennedy has something to say about Dr Busia i expected him to have either done enough consultations or given it a good thought. This is because in terms of activism Dr Kennedy though a stalwart needs to hasten slowly to be able to win over many people in his party and across the political divide. He may sound good to people now but even those in opposing parties may be suspicious of him he says about people and events. Dr Busia is a giant in Ghana’s politics who introduced true democracy and tolerance etc……He was the one who introduced the Center for Civic Education and many other institutions. He definitely had his faults but because he is no more and his hundred years anniversary is being observed it is expected that he is given the right and fitting honor by all irrespective of the parties we belong. In this respect it was proper when parliament unanimously praised Dr Busia for his role as former Prime Minister of Ghana in the Second Republic. The role played by both sides of parliament in eulogizing late president J. E. A. mills to kick start the one year anniversary celebration of his passing was also in order. Whatever grudge one has against former presidents like Dr Kwame Nkrumah first president of Ghana and Dr Hilla Limann President of Ghana in the Third Republic, we need to continue saying good things about them for they came to serve Ghana. As humans they might have made some slips but as Ghanaians who have not got anything ‘legally tangible’ against them, we must leave them alone and think seriously about playing our parts well to equal or beat their benchmarks

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Columnist: Abdulai, Alhasan