
Letter From The Prsident: Bodyguards and Maids II

Fri, 3 Sep 2004 Source: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents,
this is my first time of writing a sequel to a letter I?ve already signed, sealed and delivered to you. I really don?t like sequels, largely because these movie wannabes from Naija have destroyed the essence of the sequel. The films from Naija always come in part one, part two and part three ? sometimes even parts four and five. The least said about the film producers in Sikaman and their sequels, the better.

Countrymen and women, loyalists and opponents,
this is my first time of writing a sequel to a letter I?ve already signed, sealed and delivered to you. I really don?t like sequels, largely because these movie wannabes from Naija have destroyed the essence of the sequel. The films from Naija always come in part one, part two and part three ? sometimes even parts four and five. The least said about the film producers in Sikaman and their sequels, the better.
Well, I don?t like sequels but circumstances (space and time constraints) forced me to hold this part of my last letter for another time. My last letter was about the assault in Manhack?s house. I dwelt largely on the uselessness of bodyguards and I promised to dwell a lot more in this letter on the issue of househelps and how they are treated in Sikaman. I have worried for a long time about the plight of househelps (maids, gardeners, messengers, cleaners and all those domestic servants who do not have any specific job descriptions).

Columnist: J. A. Fukuor/Daily Dispatch