
Letter to the President of the Republic of Ghana

Fri, 23 Nov 2007 Source: Dugbazah, Mawuetornam Apostle

Dear Mr. President:

Greetings in the name of the living God and God bless you.

It is written, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).

Mr. President, I have quoted this verse in order to explain why I am writing. You see, God is getting ready to do something very drastic in the West African sub-region. This "something" you should know, involves you and several other presidents. Please keep this in mind because if necessary, I will give details later.

For some time now, the headlines in your country have featured stories dealing with the situation in Anloga, the traditional capital of the Anlo-Evhe people. The events (like all human affairs) are not free of the hand of God. God chose this method to humble Anlo for some of its practices that offend Him. Anloland has been humbled. And so it is now my duty as one called to speak for the living God, to inform you of what your insincerity and Machiavellian-style leadership is about to bring upon you and some of the members of your family. Perhaps you will reconsider the folly-ridden counsel of some of those who are closest to you in your government.

So says the living God, ?I have warned you before about the way you are running the country. If this will of yours continues to see to it that some are labeled and targeted, it will be well with those who have surrendered themselves to me. It will be well with those who obey what I say. But you Mr. President, you will know my wrath. For this people did seek me out on how to deal justly with the matter at hand. There are three things you must do in this season to take you from my wrath:

1. Obey what I have said is right in marriage. 2. Do what is right in accepting the responsibility of divine authority. 3. Go on your knees and apologise to the people of Anlo.

If these things do not take place, I will see and know you from heaven. I will make sure that your name is known as a wicked man in your generation. [God bless you]. You have one week to carry out the instruction.?

Mr, President, I have delivered this message in diligence. Know this, I have also taken pains to know the Anlo side of this matter (for it is all happening in line with the word of God that was spoken through this servant of God). Mr. President, the Anlo-Evhe elders have dealt patiently in this matter. In fact, they have even applied the ancient Hebrew custom of first seeking peace with those who have clearly wronged them and desire to war with them. Be sure of this Mr. Kufuor, when your mistakes as a leader erupt in fighting in Ghana, God will uphold Anlo?s stick because they feared Him enough to apply His principle of first seeking peace with their aggressors. Take heed to yourself. God bless you and may His holy face shine

Apostle Mawuetornam Dugbazah
Apostle's Revelation Minsitry (ARM)

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Columnist: Dugbazah, Mawuetornam Apostle