
Lifestyle: How to have a lasting relationship or marriage

Frank Blue Counsellor Counsellor Frank Adofoli

Wed, 3 Aug 2016 Source: Counselor Frank Adofoli

I spent part of my Saturday Evening in the studios of Good Life 105.5 FM sharing on the topic "HOW TO HAVE A LASTING MARRIAGE/ RELATIONSHIP". As part of my Eastern Region Tour.

A couple of people here on Facebook are asking for my input on the subject. As such I have a few points to share on that.

Everyone can have a beautiful marriage, for that is God’s blessing for us His children. Whatever God created was perfect, it only becomes a curse when we decide to do it our way and not God's ways.

Marriage runs on love and not feelings, yes, don't get confused. There is a difference; to love is to serve. True love is about service and not about feelings.

So how do you have a lasting marriage? You can only achieve that through serving each other. Any couple ready to serve themselves can have the greatest marriage.

“The more lowly your service to others, the greater you are. To be the greatest, be a servant" - Matthew 23:11 (TLB).

It’s not surprising the greatest business serves the most. The most successful business are the one that serve their customers in the best way. This is one of the reasons Facebook has become more successful. Mark Zuckerberg is always thinking of the best way to serve the users.

If spouses will learn how to serve each other and meet each other’s needs, marriages will work. The more spouses invest time and effort into their marriage, the more exciting, beautiful and amazing it becomes.

"Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be" - Matthew 6:21 (NLT). The more the husband spends time with the wife, the more beautiful she becomes; the more the husband spend time thinking about her or doing the little things to put smiles on her face, the more he will grow to love her.

The more the wife puts the husband first, the stronger their union becomes. The more the wife spends time talking to her husband, the more she falls for him.

The greatest marriage is between two students, all learning, all have one goal. In the greatest marriage spouses are equal. No one is a Boss, no one is a fool, and both couples are winners.

Yes, men are weird; we are not special like woman. No wonder some woman call men animals, some go to the extent of labelling men as dogs. Yes we may be animals, man and animals were all created from clay so it is not an insult; but one truth I know is, the only animal who is man's true friend is a dog. Yes! Dog, some dogs are more loyal than some fellow men. It all depends on how you treat them.

If wives will learn to treat their husbands right, they will be loyal to them. Don't wait for your husband to be right before you love him, be the first to do the right thing, be the stronger one.

Men, it doesn't matter if you are the bread winner of the family, when you get home you are a servant, don't wait to be served, help your wife, tell her to take a break, do little things to help her. By so doing, you are making your union inseparable.

Columnist: Counselor Frank Adofoli