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Light a match, start a fire: Palm Sunday

Amanda Clinton Potrait Amanda Clinton

Mon, 6 Apr 2020 Source: Amanda Clinton

Palm Sunday: The Sunday before Easter, on which Christ's entry into Jerusalem is celebrated in many Christian churches by processions in which branches of palms are carried.

2020 The Year of our Lord may look different to the years we have been use to, yet we celebrate Christ for in ALL circumstances things are turned around for good and that is the currency of our Kingdom.

Our gratitude lies in our faith to celebrate this holy day with family, online, burning a candle as participants in a worldwide congregation.

Our gratitude comes from still having life and breath and opportunity to dine another day spiritually and in life.

Our gratitude comes from the fact that we are human, our kind always rises through pain and suffering as well as the joy which can only comes from knowing its opposite.

We celebrate you Christ and ask you to dine in our hearts this day. For yours was not the traditional church. You had no building, confirmation from earthly authorities or recognition beyond those you immediatly touched. It was in the field, one on one, reaching humanity from divinity.

For the one who knows all things, we wait in anticipation for you to unfold our purpose when the dust clears in our land and to renew the spirit of and in each nation.

For the man who has the world in the palm of his hands, chose a donkey and the humblest of circumstances for his entry into Jerusalem.

You were born in humility, dined in humility, pain and suffering was your life and you experienced a resurrection of resurrections.

Our candles burn for you this mighty day.

Light a match, Start a Fire.

*2020 The Year of our Lord*

Columnist: Amanda Clinton