
Love Your Nation, Love Your People

Fri, 5 Jul 2013 Source: Twumasi, Patrick

*A Letter For Posterity Part 3; Love Your Nation, Love Your People*

The question will be posed, is this, the country I am told to love with my dear life, even at the peril of this once lived life am gifted by God with? And I will forever respond yes to you. Why, when the farmer get bitten by a reptile he or she does not aboundan the farm, either will a mother stop fetching water from a particular stream or river which once drown the child. I entreat you to love your nation and you will surely love your people.

Ghana your motherland is a bright sunny country in the sub-Sahara Africa, which was first to gain independence. Your country Ghana is in west of Africa. It has many fresh water bodies as well as great tourist sights. There are wonderful landscapes coupled with diversified ethnic grouping which have co-existed for many years. Ghana has ten (10) beautiful regions with sleek dialects. Your beloved country has tropical rain forest teaming with nature. The people you are an aggregate member of are hardworking, goal oriented, purposeful, decisive and welcoming. Ghanaians appeal to others. They are a people full of smiles and happy going. Adding, Ghanaians have co-existed with their neighbours in the West African sub-region, the whole of Africa and the world over. Again, the land is rich in natural resources, which has seen some foreigners ‘invading’ your country to exploit them. Ghana was once the leading producer of cocoa, but has recently been over taken by Ivory Coast. The interesting aspect you should know, Ghana’s cocoa is acclaimed to be the best of quality in the world.

The United States of America has been secured by the founding fathers and the present crop of citizens. America can only be made by Americans and not Ghanaians. Why then would you expect any one than a Ghanaian like you to build Ghana? This is where you belong, liberties are assured, dignities as human are upheld and no renewal of stay permit is required of you. When your sweat stains your shirt and your hands go raw in working to advance the life of fellow Ghanaians be proud to show it not to show off, in order to edge and inspire others to go the way you have gone. We need to inspire one another in our pursuit to attain the status this nation so deserve. Your country, Ghana is considered as the hope of Africa. Is it the issue that, in a town of blind people the one eye is the king? Ghana needs you to live true the hope the rest of Africans have in us.

Loyalty cannot be contested when it comes to country. At all times you are expected to remain true and be identified positively with Ghana. You do not have to climb Mount Everest to prove yourself worthy of a true son of Ghana. The little things you do not value are what you have to consider with keen interest. You should neither help nor aid a fellow Ghanaian or worse of a foreigner to loot your country in natural resources or cash. Under no circumstances should you connive with another Ghanaian or an outsider to wreck your own country. Because, after you have razed your own house down, you are the very person who will sleep outside. Your loyalty to Ghana should remain unquestionable at all times. Take not bribe or give same for favour to corrupt yourself or an official. If the demand of bribe is made on you refuse it out rightly. Blow the whistle when the need be. This will also be a call on you to stay on the good side of the law.

Love is unconditional. Love over rules everything divisive as well as object to envy. You cannot claim to love your country on condition and only by words. You have to show it through deeds. Loving your nation will require of you a dedicated life. Because, this land called Ghana has been founded on the sweat and blood of some of our forefathers, the mantle and baton has fallen to us. We must work without complaint to shore up the image and dignity of this great country of ours. The countries which many of our citizens desire most to visit were founded and built by the natives. Ghana also deserves your talent and gift to appeal to other nationals. Grow to invest both your money and natural abilities in Ghana. Do not dedicate this to the benefit of another nation. Always remember, this is where you belong. You may go far away from home but like the proverbial bird your feathers will surely come down when you die. Help to generate needed utility for the benevolence of your people. Your people are looking up to you as our forebearers expected those who liberated this nation to do, and they tirelessly delivered. A person’s sacrifice to his or her nation is salvation for the fellow’s soul. In actively serving your people, Abraham Lincoln a former President of United State of America says, “Don’t worry when you are not recognised, but strive to be worthy of recognition”

Again, I edge you to love your dear nation. Taxes are used to develop every country. In fact, there is no country on earth that does not collect taxes from her citizens. Failure to pay your tax is an invitation to the authorities to arrest you. A good citizen must always pay the tax and edge others to do same, which is the true self positive show of patriotism. Most of the countries that you will grow up to appreciate and possibly wish Ghana was like such, have all been developed through the direct or indirect taxes they collect from their citizens. Never stop or prevent others through any medium to pay your or their taxes, the nation needs it to develop. Any attempt to enrich yourself through the taxes you should have paid to Ghana or your nation will be unfortunate. Let guilt rule over your conscience not shame. When you act out of shame you do worse things on the blind side of your fellow countrymen and women. Act base on guilt, and out of the sight of many you will stick to accepted norms. Most Ghanaians are not paying their taxes. Instances where payments are effected, some unpatriotic tax officers also do not pay to government coffers. Some citizens also connive with most tax officers to enable them pay below what they are expected or required by law. I edge you to refuse such an invitation to participate in acts that are uncivil and unpatriotic.

Additionally, you may have your people repose in your confidence to lead in some aspect of the socio-economic life of the society. Please see this as an opportunity to serve your people not rather lord it over them. If you have knowledge about something you serve others not vice versa. For a life of scholarship is a life of service. Do not become a semi-god in a position of trust of a servant. Avail yourself to your people; let them benefit from your talents as well as natural gifts. If you want to be great among your peers then serve them. Be the worthy servant of your people in any capacity you find yourself. Never turn your back to the people you are to serve, because leadership is not about position but disposition. Serve your people with love, and then they will in turn show affection while alive. This will let them regret and miss you when you are long gone. Your kith and kin will repeat this historical statement made to Ceaser to you, “There was Ceaser when cometh such” The legendry Azuma Nelson earned the money accrued from his numerous boxing bouts for himself, but the happiness and excitement that he brought to Ghana and Ghanaians is immeasurable. Today he is considered not only the greatest boxer from Ghana, but Africa and among the best in the world. Mr. Nelson brought so much recognition to Ghana and Ghanaians by hoisting the national flag high all over the world. He served Ghana through his natural given boxing talent, what will you also do to raise Ghana and your country high among the bevy of nations?

In spite of the promise Ghana holds count yourself blessed if you are given the opportunity to serve in any capacity. When you choose the path of politics, let your people be the center not yourself, immediate family and cronies. For many were the politicians who promised to uphold the well-being of the citizens, but ended up enriching themselves while their constituents wallow in abject poverty. Do not consider politics as an employment avenue, rather a labouring call to sacrifice to the benefit of your people. I keep on referring to ‘your people’ for the reason that, after your service to Ghana, you will descend from the stage of life to join the general population.

Ghana is made up of different ethnic groupings. You will definitely belong to one of them, because you cannot be from all the families and clans. However, the call is made on you not to select and enjoy the company of some. You are admonished to love all without preference. For in this life all men are brothers as well as all women are sisters. Love them all, harbour hatred for none. Be at peace with all country men. Enjoy the company of other citizens without suspicion and doubt.

You are the new generation, you will influence and change Ghana positively forever. A vision filled generation.

*Patrick Twumasi*

*(020 9045931) *

Columnist: Twumasi, Patrick