
Majority Of NDC Officials Are Criminals

Fri, 16 Apr 2010 Source: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Right now some National Democratic Congress (NDC) elites who currently govern the country seem to have only one guiding principle: everything John Agyekum Kufuor’s NPP administration does is wrong even if it’s something the NDC members believe in. Case in point: the discovery of oil for the nation. These NDC criminals should realize that reactionary obstructionism isn’t a political vision. It’s a myopic PR tactic to cover up their criminal deeds in which they are looting the nation for their stupid egocentric interests.

My fellow countrymen and women, since the establishment of our dear great nation, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is the most corrupt, thieving and criminal organization that has ever governed out motherland dating from the (P) NDC era to the current administration. This NDC administration has become more pessimistic against their political opponents but they just don’t know what they getting themselves into: half of them will go to jail after the 2012 general elections including Kojo Tsikata, however old he may be. Kwawdo T publicly known as Kwadwo Tsikata is behind all the NDC tribal persecution against the NPP members who are currently being harassed by their administration. They have nothing good to offer Ghanaians but just to come to office and rob the nation and later turn around and point fingers at others for unjustifiable reasons. I dare warn the NDC should quit stealing from the nation. Thievery has become their core beliefs, but they have the audacity to turn their fingers at the opposition. These NDC criminals should realize that there is a choice between dogmatic purity and opportunistic moderation. The NDC needs to recognize that they cannot fool Ghanaians all the time with their criminal conduct and blame the opposition with the trabalistic sentimental politics that they have exhibited in the country.

Now Ghanaian car importers have suffered outright injustice at the hands of John Evans Attah Mills, Carl Wilson and Mills deputy Chief of staff Alex Segbefia the criminal. The NDC has employed their past (P) NDC criminal tactics of confiscating peoples property without the due process of the law. Ever since John Evans Attah Mills administration came to office, his NDC members have increased their corruption and robbing the nation by over one hundred percent (100%) It is very sad about what took place in Osu Castle. These NDC criminals have seized people’s cars in harbor and resold them only to the NDC members for less than One Ghana cedis. This is actually what went on with the cars they seized from hard working Ghanaians whose property was taken by these NDC criminals. Some NDC members paid 50c. In other words less then one Ghana cedis for a car that somebody had brought for over five thousand dollars. This deputy chief of staff at Osu castle who was in charge of this dubious transactions, Alex Segbefia, is not even a Ghanaian, according to the information I receive from my informant the NDC deep throat. This Alex Segbefia claims his father is from the Volta Region but his mother is from Barbados. He currently holds a British passport and is an attorney in London who was not doing well in his private business practice but now has got the opportunity to come to Ghana and rob the nation blind. This aforementioned individual cloud never exhibit such behavior in England. He would go to jail immediately but has the gall to come to Ghana and treat citizens as second class in their own land.

However, Attah Mills is afraid of Alex Segbefia. He threatens to leave Mills administration if he does not get what he wants. This is what Ghanaians are now getting from Attah Mills NDC administration-- a bunch of corrupt thieves and criminals who are at helm of the national affairs. At times Ghanaians should not blame Jerry John Rawlings for his utterances against Mill’s administration because he is right. They are all criminals. Ghanaians will soon see how these criminals in the NDC will be exposed in the media about their dubious connections at the National Petroleum Authority (NPA) in which some NDC elites, including Ato Ahwoi and Tsatu Tsikata, are using their ill-gotten influence to buy the crude oil for our national consumption. Instead of them buying our nation’s crude oil from the spot rate markets system, they are using methods, that serves their interest, methods by which they are making millions of dollars of daily profits on our Nation’s accounts. This is a serious delimma that demand the immediate arrest of these NDC criminals who are pointing fingers at the opposition members.

From : Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi