
Make Ghana A More Capable Nation

Sun, 4 Mar 2012 Source: Siaw, Kofi Asamoah

Independence Day Press Statement

For Immediate Release

6th March 2012.

Make Ghana A More Capable Nation

The Progressive People’s Party, PPP makes this Wake UP call to the good people of Ghana, both at home and abroad on the occasion of the 55th Anniversary Celebration of Ghana’s Independence, asking for the commitment of all to help make our nation capable, great and strong.

We make this wake up call in full knowledge of how far we have come and how far we need to go before we attain the nation state that is capable of providing every Ghanaian with the basic necessities of life such as education, health care and jobs to make life meaningful and fulfilling.

The PPP considers this year, a crucial one for Ghana as it marks two decades of less fulfilling governance under our fourth republican dispensation. This year we have the opportunity to change the status quo to give ourselves the chance of becoming a capable nation state that takes care of its people with little or no dependence on other nations and development partners.

Having come so far and seen so much in the last 55 years, we know there remain so much more to do. We therefore ask all Ghanaians to join us on this special day, to stop for a moment and address our minds to how we can work together as one people, with a commondestiny and the determination to embark on the journey,which will lead to the change we can feel in our lives and our pockets. Today, let us resolve to tell those who say Ghana is not capable to wait until the PPP, gets the mandate of the people in the 2012 elections, to implement the agenda for change for progress. The progress we seek to deliver is collective. It is this progress that will reinvent Ghana. We believe we will succeed because we aim to reinvent ourselves, our attitudes and our way of life as Ghanaians to become capable of truly taking our destiny in our own hands.

We want to wake Ghanaians up in this election year to the fact that we stand at a special place in history. The founders of our nation envisioned and fought for our independence,so will we make the right decisionsand fight for a capable progressive nation. Years from now, we want to be able to look back and say with fulfillment, that, it was on the 55th anniversary that Ghana made that great turn, following the wake up call from the PPP and the subsequent mobilization of our people which made all the difference.

We ask Ghanaiansto reject the deep seated acrimonious politics that threatens to consume us, andrather make way for that fresh alternative politics and good governance, that will deliver an incorruptible government, evidenced in stewardship, health care, education and jobs for all Ghanaians. On this 6th Day of March, 2012, We Wish Ghana, AWAKE! Signed:

Kofi Asamoah Siaw

National Secretary, PPP.

Columnist: Siaw, Kofi Asamoah