
Meet Ghana’s youngest female pilot, Audrey Esi Swatson

Audrey Pilot Sldk4 Audrey Esi Swatson is Ghana

Thu, 10 Jan 2019 Source:

They say ‘what a man can do, a woman can do it better’ this young lady may have just proven that saying to be true with her big accomplishment as a pilot.

A beautiful young lady, Audrey Esi Swatson , recently became the youngest female pilot in Ghana .

Originally from Saltpond, Audrey speaks fluent English, as well as a variety of local languages including Fanti and Twi.

She was, however, born on the 23rd February, 1997 (She’s just 21 years old) in Ghana’s capital Accra.

According to her, it has always been her dream to become a pilot ever since she was a child.

She had her basic education at the University of Ghana Basic Schools, Legon and her secondary education at the Ghana Christian International High School,Dodowa.

Having completed SHS at the age of 18, she got admission at Mach1 Aviation Academy in South Africa to pursue her dream of becoming a pilot.

Her first solo flight during her flight training was at the age of 19 years and that was on the 4th of April,2016. It is a day every pilot never forgets. She got her private pilot license that same year .

Read Audrey story below:

The journey has been tough and full of challenges.

My flight training experience with Mach1 Aviation Academy has developed my ability to operate in a fast-paced ,high-performing organization , reinforced the requirement to make sound decisions in a sometimes ambiguous environment, lead by example, and deliver results with little margin for error . I had the privilege of flying with some truly inspirational, selfless flight instructors who embodied fortitude, grit, resilience, courage and integrity.

To anyone who is interested in pursuing an aviation career, set specific goals, take one day at a time yet having a long-term vision and plan.

Hold yourself to high standards,collaborate and support others .

Benchmark your performance against the best of the best and strive for excellence without arrogance.

Build and grow your networks and lean into a mentor who can offer unbiased perspective.

Know that not everything will be a success and when it isn’t,handle setbacks with grace and resilience—- keep going.

When you do succeed,be humble, teach others and share your passion for aviation; it will be contagious!
