
Message of hope and encouragement to the people of Ghana on COVID-19

Covid Message Bansah Lsk.jfif Rev. Dr. Confidence Worlanyo Bansah, Pastor of E.P Church and lecturer at UCC

Mon, 23 Mar 2020 Source: Rev. Dr. Confidence Worlanyo Bansah

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am reaching out to encourage you in this unprecedented time of COVID 19. COVID 19, which

began as an epidemic primarily in China is now a pandemic and continues to bring devastation to our world. We are indeed faced with an international emergency on a scale not before seen in our generation and there is every indication that as a people we are going to travel a rather long road before we get out of the woods.

As you are aware, like Ghana, the outbreak in certain parts of the world is significant and overwhelming. And it is now clear that globally, the coming weeks and months are going to demand a significant shift in the patterns of our living and working, as we know that government advice will continue to change as the gravity of the crisis becomes clear.

In this time of anxiety, fear and uncertainties when many people are isolated and feel lonely, stranded abroad, losing income sources and losing loved ones, this is the time we must do what we do best as Ghanaians; pray relentlessly for God’s intervention even as we adhere to the directives of our health professionals. At this time, I wish to add my voice to others to encourage us all to be vigilant and responsible, but caring at the same time.

We can still be in the lives of the most vulnerable in our communities in different ways even as we are impelled to engage in social distancing.

In our hearts we know that we must adapt our behaviours and make some sacrifices in order to ensure, as best we can, the wellbeing and security not just of our family but of others as well.

These are exceptional circumstances and no doubt there will be a cost, but the important thing is that government must ensure that its communications remain open and assuring to avoid people feeling isolated or scared. It is also important that as citizens we listen to and observe the

directives from Government.

Let us continue to give thanks to God for all those who are working hard to overcome the impact of Covid-19 and are supporting the people in dire need including doctors, nurses and other clinical staff. Let us also hold in our prayers all those whose lives are already affected by these events, especially those working to bring healing, and the bereaved.

When a situation is beyond our control such as this, let us turn to God and pray for peace for us and others. Also, let us make it a point to constantly check on one another by phone and all the social media avenues available to us, so that we may be well coordinated in our response to any call for help or support.

Stay well, stay put, and let us all be responsible in whatever we do for our own sake and for the sake of others. But most importantly, let us be present to our loved ones even from a distance.

May God who alone is the master healer protect each of us during this difficult time and continue to bless our homeland Ghana.

Finally, let me end with this Scripture passage: “I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).

Thank you.

Columnist: Rev. Dr. Confidence Worlanyo Bansah
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