
Modest Tribute For President Mills

Wed, 25 Jul 2012 Source: Quaye, Nii Otu

By Nii Otu Quaye

President Mills' sudden passing has rendered many of us dumbfounded. His exceptional teaching style made many of us what we are today. Thanks to that, some of us have been striving in our little ways to impact society positively. We are very grateful for the privilege of knowing him and sharing part of his sixty-eight years in this blessed life.

In politics, Professor Mills was one of a kind, taking insults, character denigration, and beatings from several angles without ever fighting back or badmouthing anyone. Following the proverbial “turn the other check,” he instead, exhibited impeccable professionalism, gentility and kindness to all. By his unsurpassed love for humanity and our dear country, Professor Mills dignifiedly and honorably succumbed to his opponent whenever he lost an election. As President, he resonated these peace-loving attributes in his deeds and utterances. It is clear that the nickname, Asomdwehene commonly used to describe him as a "Prince of Peace" is apt, fitting, and well deserved. He practiced what he preached, unfailingly and incessantly loving and respecting his neighbors as the scriptures taught us to do. President Mills’ passing has created a huge hole in the life of our country.

Nevertheless, painful though this loss is and would be to all well-wishers for many, many years to come, we should be thankful that he was part of us and did the best he humanly could to brighten the lives of many, many people.

As we prepare for his parting for the Ages, let us humbly and earnestly pray not only that he be blessed with an everlasting peaceful rest but also that the Good Lord's grace comforts his family, and guides the country to live and thrive in peace and harmony as President Mills tried to do. President Mills we wish you a perfect peaceful rest in eternity. Da yie! Yaawo odzogbann!

Columnist: Quaye, Nii Otu