
Montie trio petition: A smack of irresponsibility and callousness on our face

M Ontiep Mrs Elizabeth Ofosu-Adjare, Minister for Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts signing petition

Mon, 8 Aug 2016 Source: Raphael Kumah Abolasom

Lately, irresponsibility is being replaced with heroism and political loyalty. Notoriety has become a means to obtaining endorsements into political lime light; a sad a case of African politics.

Signing the Muntie trio petition does not only mean endorsing impudence and mediocrity, it equally demonstrates the support for boundless impunity and recklessness .This, by extension, reinforces the fact, that the affinity for lawlessness has always being embedded in the DNA of NDC characters.

It surprises me, when people we expect to know better; the lawmakers (MP’s) and ministers who are supposed to be more responsible and abhor anything that amounts to an attack on the laws of the country are rather those signing this clueless and useless petition.

On several occasions, this trio and most especially that Mugabe of a presenter, have attacked a lot of personalities in this country and have always had a free walk. Nana Addo has always been vilified by this dude whose summary of life comes nowhere close to even an inch of Nana Addo’s.

I wished the attacks made by the trio on the Chief Justice were made on the mothers of all those who signed the petition. Will they still have signed it?

I am not happy for their misery in the Nsawam Prison but for their comments, it serves them right! It will deter everyone from making unsavory comments. The airwaves will be sanitized.

Many are the women, most especially those in government, who were calling for Ken Agyapong’s head when according to them made unsavory comments about the EC Chair and today we have those same women and others signing a petition for the President to invoke article 72 of the constitution to undermine the judgment of a team led by a lady judge. The NDC and hypocrisy are just like identical Siamese twins. The likes of Nana Oye Lithur and the Ministers of education signing the petition even makes the whole signing issue so stinky and a prominent display of intellectual dishonesty and a sign of gross moral decadence.

It’s quite unfortunate for any level headed person to equate the ruling of the Supreme Court on the trio to sabotage on freedom of expression or the popular Sir John and Co contempt case. These are totally two alien cases

George Orwell once said, “those who abjure violence can do so only because others are committing violence on their behalf”. My point is: the NDC leading the signing of the petition can only confirm the fact that whatever the trio and Mugabe in particular did anytime they were on air was done on behalf of the NDC and its cronies.

Come to think of it, if people are signing a petition to free the NDC Montie trio then you can imagine what would have happened if the NDC had lost the Election Petition case. This goes a long way to confirm the fact that Nana Addo is indeed an epitome of peace!

Raphael Kumah Abolasom is a former SRC President UDS. E-mail:

Columnist: Raphael Kumah Abolasom